Archive for August, 2017

My officers map case collection

Hi all

Thought I would share my map case collection so far. (Not sure if this quite the right section for field items mods?)
Hope to add to it as I put together my oberleutnant uniform.

What I have so far

My list of items I’m still looking for:
Wooden rule
Fur der Wehrmacht pencils
Grease pencils
Pencil sharpener
Map sleeve

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Helm tarnnetz wehrmacht elite mit gummiband kein stahlhelm camo

EUR 25,00
End Date: 27. Sep. 10:28
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 25,00
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Frauen in Uniform Stahlhelm Gasmaske

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 04. Sep. 12:09
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Schulterklappen Uffz Kavallerie!

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 07. Sep. 11:30
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WH gas torch?

Found this in a junk section on a pickers auction site, well for 9e you cant go wrong…

Anyway i saw that bakelite wheel, dark green paint and the K4323 plate looks distinctive german to me.

Could this be an army issue gas torch?


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Kragenspiegel Auflage Ulanen Fahnen Kavallerie RZM 17 3,5cm Deutsches Reich 2WK

EUR 69,95
End Date: 27. Sep. 08:57
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 69,95
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20mm !

Picked this up the other day seller stated it was a German 20mm Flak shell but a friend said it could be Italian
20mm x 137mm what are the thoughts on this I am also looking for the correct projectile I have a 20mm AP projie sit in there for display but the copper driving band is gone and besides its off a Hispano-Suiza round. TIA

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BSA WW II Airborne Paratrooper folding bike help

Hi. I recently bought this frame and components at a local yard sale in New Jersey. What I now know as the Tommy-bar on the stem struck me. I was extremely surprised to discover that this is a WW II Airborne Paratrooper folding bike!

It is from about 3/4 into the production run (serial # is in the low 50, 000s).

My two questions are:

Is there a way to figure out the exact year this bike was manufactured from the serial #?

Is it possible that the cranks and pedals are from an earlier version of the BSA folding bike? I noticed the pedals are not the spindle-only type, however, mine do look like the pedals some has on their BSA WWI folding bike.

Thanks for the help.

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British Ordnance hunting knife

My wife brought home some old "Popular Mechanics" magazines from a yard sale
and I found this add in the July 1953 edition.

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My new Flak Erkennungsmarke, 1 Flak-Ers.-Abt. 5

A recent addition to my tag collection. I don’t really have any doubts as to the authenticity of this tag but If anyone would be willing share some information on this unit or point me in the right direction, I would be grateful.


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