2 x Kragenspiegel Deutsches Rotes Kreuz 2.Weltkrieg orig
EUR 19,99 (0 Bids) End Date: 04. Mai. 21:55 Bid now | Add to watch list |
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EUR 19,99 (0 Bids) End Date: 04. Mai. 21:55 Bid now | Add to watch list |
EUR 1,99 (0 Bids) End Date: 07. Mai. 20:53 Bid now | Add to watch list |
EUR 1,99 (0 Bids) End Date: 07. Mai. 20:52 Bid now | Add to watch list |
Hope everyone is doing well. I recently picked up a FF33 Wehrmacht Field Telephone or the "Feldfernsprecher 33." for $60.00 this past weekend. The first models of these field telephones were introduced in 1933. The German Government produced these field telephones virtually unchanged (technologically) up until the late 1960s. Thought it was a nice little addition to my Field gear collection and waited to find one in decent shape. Good maker marks and waffenamts present. Need a carrying strap for it and a battery and she would be complete. I think I will stick to my Iphone for sales calls and travel however.
Unlike my previous helmet I send back yesterday I biught thus what I think 100% original helmet from an old collector. He got this helmet from his dad back in 1972. They never messed with it or took it apart. Even though the liner is not in the best condition but its still very soft. The liner rivots are super tight never been apart wich are pretty hard to find these days.
I think this helmet is a reissue m40 with some wartime overpainting. On the left side there is still some reminensce of a decal.. maybe its still under the top layer. Overal very nice piece of kit wich immediately felt really good.
Would like to have some of your expert opinions.
The bottom is stamped with a hexagonal shape, and 1937.
Inside where the extra filter (???) goes has a stamped 34.
The actual filter, also stamped 1937, has a really nicely intact label. Don’t know what it says, but it is rather well preserved.
Tube has some minor rust spots, and the canvas strap is in good condition.
The mask itself has some flaking of the rubber lining, but the elastic is still stretchy, and in whole, really nice.
There is a stamp n the metal nose coud it be: BMW
There is a stamp inside the gasmask ebd ?
The Filter is from 1939
The canister has a "D" Dick at the button, which mas it is waterproof
The canister is black, I also have green ne, is there any difference beside the color
Alle additional info is welcome