Archive for March, 2017

SA Sport Shirt Eagle for review


Is this an original SA sport shirt eagle? Thanking you all in advance and hoping to hear from some of you very soon.

Regards, Michel



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German Breeches grau melliert Stiefelhose Reithose ca. Gr. 48

EUR 29,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 21. Mrz. 14:36
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Need help! Panzer collar tab for review. As always, sincere thanks for any guidance!

Hello all,

This is a potential purchase from that same collection, and I wanted to get a feel for it beforehand. I noticed that the TK is off center (biased slightly downwards), but I’m not sure that is necessarily a red flag. Also, please disregard the cat hair in one of the pics!


I also owe the board detailed pictures of a detailed SS document I have. I will post them when I return from vacation.

Thanks as always to everyone!

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Need help! Kriegsverdienstkreuz Klasse 1 ohne Schwertern L/14 - Orth for review

Afternoon guys

Tracked down another KVK1 that I do not possess. This time it appears to be an actual L/14 Frederich Orth rather than the L15s that are to be commonly seen.

The photos are not mine (so aren’t perfect ha ha) but I would appreciate your honesty and opinions on whether or not it is the real deal.

I have looked online and at kvk dna etc but L/14 isn’t one that I am seeing much of.

Many thanks





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WK2 German stahlhelm innenfutter M35/40 1939 62Na55 100% original.

EUR 50,00
End Date: 15. Apr. 12:07
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 50,00
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Question Officer/Cavalry leather boots

Hey guys,
I recently acquired these leather boots. Is there any way to date them? Are there any markings I should see to indicate Third Reich production?
Thanks in advance cool militaria


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Need help! SS Eagle Badge authentication and/or indentification

Dear valued forum members,

Frank from the museum here again. I recently came in the possession of this badge. I would like to hear your expert opinions on this badge. What is it exactly? I hope to hear from you and I wish you all a very good day!




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Orig. 2.WK Wehrmacht Uniformen Konvolute 2 Jacken + Hose +Beutel + anderes XX

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 26. Mrz. 09:18
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Heer Silver ESL 43 E.Schneider. Ludenscheid

I was able to add this example to my collection recently.
I have not seen many like this one before and felt that it would look good on my Panzer wrap instead of an aluminum parade one.
If you would like to see any other angles, please let me know.


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wanted Looking for relic firearms

Follow the wanted section

by: Joshua R

Description: I’ve been on for relic firearms for quite the while now and have only come across 2 (which I then preceded to buy. if anyone knows anyone one or any websited that sell these i would greatly appreciate it! Not looking for anything in particular, just maybe a Luger or german/soviet rifles. Thanks! Joshua R

War Relics Militaria sales

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