Wehrmacht Elite LW Leder Kinnriemen für Stahlhelm Modell M35/M40/M42 2.WK
![]() | EUR 12,00 (12 Bids) End Date: 21. Sep. 20:33 Bid now | Add to watch list |
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
![]() | EUR 12,00 (12 Bids) End Date: 21. Sep. 20:33 Bid now | Add to watch list |
![]() | EUR 1,00 (1 Bids) End Date: 21. Sep. 21:10 Bid now | Add to watch list |
![]() | EUR 1,00 (0 Bids) End Date: 30. Sep. 22:18 Bid now | Add to watch list |
Forgive all my pictures but I wanted to give a big lens on this piece. Please find the details below on this variant / custom RAD Oberstfeldmeister Officer’s tunic. Wim Saris and others have help me analyze this piece in a prior thread and here are new photos and details on what we do know & don’t know. I am not a tunic expert so please feel free to opine. I am considering purchasing it. Wim if I have miss stated anything please correct, add or advise. Previous Thread: http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/heer-l…-tunic-656504/
- Tunic was made on smaller side. Note relationship in photo to my tornister & RAD Overcoat.
- Color is a little more olive than gray. Note color versus my RAD Overcoat.
- It is a waist tunic but has look & similarities of Feldbluse 44 as introduced for the Armed Forces.
- We have not found any specific regulations or notes about the waist jacket. The "Verordnungsblatt" does not give any clues.
- We have not been able to locate or see any period photos of this jacket in wear by the RAD.
- We are not sure if it is made from another tunic or just customized for the officer solider wearing it
- Tunic has never had an armband on it and it is mint & unissued from what I can tell.
- Custom tailored craftsmanship is amazing and it is not a cut down or cobbled together piece.
- The overall piece is very well stitched and has strong gussets and detailing.
- All stitching is very sound & no mothing at all. No stains or holes, rips or tears.
- Small snaps / buttons for collar to snap down are marked PRYM.
- Silver Pebbled Buttons on tunic are all consistent and stamped with RZM with single circle & UE 71. Pretty sure RZM marked buttons are not common to RAD tunics based on my research.
- Rank is equivalent to Oberstfeldmeister (pay group AD 7), but in the medical branch, the designation for this rank was Arbeitsfeldarzt.
- Cornflower blue [kornblumenblau] was the branch color for the medical service of the RAD (same as in the armed forces).
- The sleeve insignia is for Abt. 5/265. Gruppe 265 was headquartered at Göppingen. The 5th Abt. was from Straß 89278 Nersingen Germany.
- Stitching has been burn tested and passed. Black light has been taken to whole garment and not one thing glows.
- "BULAG" marking: This is the abbreviation for the Bayerische Uniformlieferungs-AG.
- "BULAG" was in Auerbach in the Upper Palatinate, the company was established ca. 1934 and went out of business in 1986.
- We are unsure when this tunic was made…1938? Stamped M38.
- Stamp of "MSA Sch Ho" we think could stand for Motor-SA Schule Hochland but we are not sure.
So what do you think overall and the big question is "would you want it in your collection?"
![]() | EUR 1,00 (0 Bids) End Date: 24. Sep. 13:56 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 15,00 Bid now | Buy it now | Add to watch list |
The opportunity for me to finally get a PH Hood to add to my collection has presented itself. As I’m sure many of you are aware, these early pieces do tend to command quite high prices due to their rarity and desirability. This one is rather fairly priced (which suits my rather tight budget) based on its condition, which is less than perfect but is still far from being a relic. However, it’s still not what you would call cheap.
I’ve researched these hoods extensively myself, and as far as I can tell this one is looking very promising. However, reproduction/fakes are getting more and more sophisticated, and due to the amount of money at stake it’s not something in my opinion worth taking any risks with. The example in question is coming from a private individual, not a dealer so there’s unfortunately no real reputation associated with their name, which is something that is quite important in these cloak and dagger days.
Hence, I come before you all today seeking some second opinions on this piece, as at the end of the day it never hurts to be on the side of caution.
I look forward to all comments and opinions.
Thanks in advance,
![]() | EUR 1,00 (0 Bids) End Date: 25. Sep. 20:10 Bid now | Add to watch list |
![]() | EUR 350,00 (0 Bids) End Date: 25. Sep. 19:11 Bid now | Add to watch list |
Any help with this visor will be highly appreciated.
Thank you for your opinion.
I cam across this helmet and was wondering if anyone had ever seen on before or could confirm its authenticity? I have read that there were some cut-out style M40’s that were used to accommodate head phones and things of that nature, but I’ve never seen a WWI cut out helmet with the first pattern Luftwaffe emblem. The wear looks honest, but the Luftwaffe emblem really throws me off. Possibly a helmet used in the very early years of rearmification?
Any help or insight into this piece would be appreciated.