Archive for April, 2016

IAB carl wild

Hello everyone,

I wanted to share with you my latest IAB maker marked CW. I hope you like it.
Opinions are always welcome :).



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Purpose of these buttons?

Im wondering what the purpose is of these buttons? where do they get placed? It looks pretty interesting and it seems original. thanks!


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Schulterklappen,Militär Dienstgrad,Shoulder Stripes, AirForce, Stabsoffizier

EUR 1,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 02. Mai. 12:11
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Selten Bakelit GARANTIE BO Tramp Original Kaffeemühle WKII modell WH Ausrüstung

EUR 38,00 (1 Bids)
End Date: 27. Apr. 20:30
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Video of Albert Stückler’s SS uniform


Recently I came across this video showcasing what is claimed to be the uniform of Albert Stückler, an SS-Sturmbannführer in the Das Reich Panzer Division. To me it seems too strange to be an authentic SS uniform. What do others think?

Deutsch 2.WK 2cm Flak 30/38 magazine container Munitioskiste Südfront DAK 25Kg

EUR 51,00 (5 Bids)
End Date: 27. Apr. 20:28
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Help Please…Some Unknown Tinnies

Hello and Thank You for looking.
This first tinnie I just can’t figure out. It mentions bakers and the Rhineland is all I can make out. Is that a pretzel in the lower left corner?

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Deutsch 2.WK späte Gasmasken-dose Wa.A. Hersteller eph 1943 Namen Etikett Filter

EUR 24,05 (12 Bids)
End Date: 27. Apr. 20:26
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Invasion Map - 1944

So my 81yr old father says to me the other day " I found something in my papers I thought you may like" and hands me this map.
I asked him where & when he got it and he said "as a child" …. he says his father bought it during the war from a map shop in Sydney.

The price penciled on the front is 2/6 which was a reasonable cost ( almost a weeks worth of groceries in 1944 ):shok_yikes:

My guess is that these were sold after the Normandy invasion to allow people to plot out / follow the progress of the allied armies….?????:confused:

HEC Robinsons were gone by the 1950’s … anyone seen one of these?


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Kragenspiegel Heer Parade gewebt Aluminium 1Paar Original (i226-)

EUR 9,50
End Date: 30. Apr. 03:27
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 9,50
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