Archive for April, 2016

My Wardrobe

Hi guys!
I got into the mood of cleaning and fixing up a few things around the house ;)
When I opened my wardrobe/closet it was looking all sad and dark :weep:
So I thought I should fix it up a little, I had no idea that it would turn into some kind of episode from Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
Every time I open the mirror door I yell out "Move that bus" (seriously, I do:rolleyes:)

Please comment and I hope you’ll enjoy the looks of it cool militaria



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D 3x Stück innenfutter helmet Stahlhelm casque helmet Liner M 35 M 40 M 42

EUR 25,00
End Date: 09. Apr. 13:48
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KZ TOUR - AUTUMN 2016 - Study of Auschwitz

Pleased to finally announce the destination for our next concentration camp tour, departing in early September this year. We return to the Auschwitz camp system, located west of Krakow in southern Poland. As ever, the tour will depart from the Prague area, this time heading east for a two day (with one overnight stay) study of the Auschwitz camp system. The study will go into greater detail than regular organised tours of the site and will include stops at various related points of interest.

Previous tours have generally taken in several sites but the sheer scale of Auschwitz demands its own focus, especially on a slightly shorter tour such as this one, hence the decision to return to the infamous camp this year.

Places will again be limited - a few have already been taken with flights booked, so if you are seriously interested in coming along, please do not delay. The organisation is well under way and more details will be announced in the near future. Any questions, feel free to send me a private message.


TUESDAY AFTERNOON - Start of study

TUESDAY EVENING - Overnight stay in Oswiecim (Auschwitz)

WEDNESDAY - Full day of study followed by return journey (late night return to Prague)



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ss colar tab with piece of tunic

hi guys,

what do you think? its offered to me but i think its not original. right? thank you


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Lot 2 schulterklappen unteroffiziere wehrmacht 2. Wk wh

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 16. Apr. 10:43
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Stahlhelm helm WK2 M35 M38 M40 M42 Tarnetz Tarn Netz Tarnung Camo camouflage

EUR 75,00
End Date: 03. Mai. 10:56
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 75,00
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Early RZM Setup Information

Gents I have taken this info from a thread and made it easier to find and available as I believe it is very important info to enable the understanding of the early RZM development: All this info is courtesy of Wim Saris:

In an earlier post you mentioned a "transitional period", but there was no transitional period.
It was just a progress in developing the RZM structures, between 1931 and 1935. Briefly this period and
structuring is given for your convenience and for others:

Already in the spring of 1931 they do speak of a Reichszeugmeisterei, divided into the various district-Zeugmeistereien
(depots), where political goods could be obtained. In late 1931 it was noted that various insignia and uniform-fittings
had to be marked with the manufacturers-code, which is the name (logo) or abbreviation, often together with ges. gesch
(gesetzlich Geschützt and so you see for example O&C ges. gesch. Nothing was said about a specific RZM-code. This
was so until anyway at least spring 1933.

April 1, 1933 all the various Zeugmeistereien were re-organized and did not exist anymore. The only official department
where to purchase was the RZM at Munich. Since May 1933 concerns, manufacturing for the party-organization, had to
have a permit (Berechtigungsnachweis), valid with August 1 . In the course of the next months things were better
structured and organized. August 15, 1933 it was listed what was meant with party-uniforms and insignia. A classification-
code was not given, but the numbers used were the later M1-numbers, for example 36 (Berg & Nolte).

June 1, 1934 the Mitteilungsblatt der RZM was published for the first time. About this time the specific codes, the
classifications as MA (Metallwarenhersteller), UE (Uniformeffektenhersteller) and KH (Koppelschlosshersteller)
came into being. These classifications were only used for a short period of time, as already in March 1935 the M-codes
came into being. The change-over for the new code-system took place since early summer and the course of 1935, as it
was allowed to sell first the old stocks.

RZM-tags were already available for a while and with manufacturers orders it was said the RZM codes had to be included
(das Schutzzeichen der RZM as well as the Berechtigungsnummer des betreffenden Herstellers ist eingeprägt).
Note this is said anyway in June 1934. So from about this date for example buckles were including the KH -code
and number (the later M4) or UE-code and number (the later M5 with their specific numbers).

Kragenspiegel Heer Parade gewebt Aluminium 1Paar Original (i226-)

EUR 9,50
End Date: 09. Apr. 02:42
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 9,50
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Bund Deutscher Osten ?

I do not have most of my reference materials… Any comments on this ?? It is rather small in size… I have read a old thread on this design but did not see a pin / badge to go with it.
Teutonic Knights Traditions emblem ?… Excuse my spelling… A long day…
P.S. Sorry in advance for the crappy pics… I will post better ones if needed tomorrow.. G cool militaria

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Question M35 LW DD Camo, Battle of Bulge?

Hello, just doing some research out of curiosity. Came across this helmet posted on another forum. The Liner has a inscription on it. it reads "killed Dec 16, 1944" making it the first day of the Battle of the Bulge. My question is, the Battle of Lanzerath Ridge was mostly German Paratroopers, at least to my understanding. is there any way of Identifying or even validating what area this Helmet would have possibly came from? It leads towards it being a Ardennes collected Helmet. It seems to good to be true, but it also has me very curious. Any thoughts welcome.

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