Archive for March, 2016

HOSE - RDK - ROTE KREUTZ * dachbodenfund

EUR 1,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 03. Apr. 19:06
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(v24) Belgien Frankreich 1940 Heldengrab Grab Panzer Panzermann Stahlhelm

EUR 1,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 05. Apr. 18:44
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British Soldiers 14th Army Burma Souvenirs WW2.

This box of items recently came to light again, wasn’t sure where to post this but couldn’t find a specific Japanese section so here goes. The photos show the items brought back from the fighting against the Japanese in Burma in WW2. The items belonged to a Mike Wagster as his name appears on the back of some of the photos. His own items include a wad of photographs of him with his friends in Burma, a manual titled "Notes on Japanese for Forward Units", a magazine detailing the war against the Japs in Burma, and a joining up leaflet. The souvenirs which he collected from either Japanese killed in the fighting or items which were abandoned include the Japanese Rising Sun flag. The flag so his son explained had been attached to a Japanese rifle-the barrel had been pushed through its centre so there is a small tear in its centre. This was taken after a firefight in the Jungle which ended in a suicide charge where most of the Japs were killed by machine gun fire with no casualties on the British/Indian side. The flag has no writing on it like many do and apart from the hole in its centre is in good condition with just a few minor stains. There are also two Japanese tank brass data plates believed to be from the electrical communications equipment, a nice early Arisaka bayonet, gas mask filter14th Army Soldier..jpgJap relics Two.jpgJap relics one..jpg14th Army Soldier..jpgJap relics Two.jpgJap relics one..jpg and a Sake (Rice Wine) bag which were found inside a Japanese Command post. There is also some Jap and Allied occupation bank notes. In all a fascinating collection which obviously meant something very personal to this man. His son inherited the items after his passing three years ago and decided to sell. I think this is a great collection with a good cross section of items and nice to have a really good clean Arisaka bayonet thrown in. Cheers Tim.

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6 originale Marinestoffabzeichen des II. Weltkrieges

EUR 7,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 30. Mrz. 17:31
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Ungarischer Stahlhelm 2.Weltkrieg WK WW2 WWII 2.WK Helm Helmet Feuerwehr M35 /38

EUR 54,00 (12 Bids)
End Date: 30. Mrz. 13:15
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original Splittertarn Handschuhe Wehrmacht 2WK ww2 camouflage gloves krad Fleck

EUR 15,50 (6 Bids)
End Date: 30. Mrz. 17:16
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for sale Original picture Stoßtrupp Hitler München 1923 WW2


by: RKKAFan

Description: Original cig. picture: Stoßtrupp Hitler München 1923.
Size: 12 x 8 cm
All prices include paypal fee
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International shipping with tracking: 5 $

War Relics Militaria sales

for sale Original picture barricades in Munich Nov. 1923 WW2


by: RKKAFan

Description: Original cig. picture: Barrikaden in München 1923.
Size: 12 x 8 cm
All prices include paypal fee
Ask me for questions
International shipping with tracking: 5 $

War Relics Militaria sales

Early Gottlieb SS dagger

I would like to know your opinions about this Gottlieb dagger.

Thank you! :-)

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Wehrmacht Brandwunden-Verbandstuch 1945, German Army

EUR 9,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 30. Mrz. 12:34
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