Archive for February, 2016

Question The remain of the Mills Bomb Instruction Tools?

I got this from the local flea market. At first i thought this wooden made grenade is a wall decoration. But then i realize this thing it’s a bit like an instruction tools. Showing the inner side of the grenade. And there’s some emplacement for the other tools. From the shape of the grenade, it’s a mills bomb? :confused:
What do you think? Is the british army ever made this one? Or this thing is indonesian made?
Thank you. :)

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Kragenspiegel Heer Mannschaft gewebt Panzertruppe (h773)

EUR 18,00
End Date: 22. Feb. 05:07
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A few FAD buckles recently purchased… Thanks to David North cool militaria

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WWII swivel bail

Just picked this up. Appears unissued. Split front seam swivel bail.

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Question 2 questions about my new/old folding carcano bayonet


I’m thrilled to finally own one of these bayonets! I unfortunately paid top dollar because I could never find a bargain. Seem to always be in demand. My first question is if the frog is original and the second question is, why would there be an original serial number scratched out then another one stamped beside it. Thanks as always guys!

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Deutsche Reichsbahn Railroad Eagle by “PS”

Hello All,

Big Ned saved me from taking the big plunge on a bad eagle. Thanks again Ned! It didn’t take long for me to find the real deal (or at least I hope :) ). Here’s my first bird for everyone’s review. I’m not too sure what’s going on with the green paint, but I’m not touching it. I guess it gives this bird character.

I’m new to this site and am loving every minute on here! It’s a fantastic resource.


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Essgeschirr WK2 mit Stempel

EUR 9,99 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Feb. 21:13
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Need help! Strange 144th Infantry Reg. DUI

Hi guys I picked up this DUI for the 144th but it has an extra device added to it and the colors are different. The blue and silver is the official DUI . Can anybody please ID this one . Thanks for any help Gary936057936056936058936059936060936065

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Falke Div. DKiG group

Hi folks, this is my latest addition. Hubert Hagedorn was a student born in ‘22. After basic training he served with 2./Pz. Austfkl. Abt 9 in ‘41-42. They were equipped with "Luchs". He served in Russia ( Brjansk, Kursk, Woronesh & Orel) At the end of ‘42 he was selected for officer training. In April ‘43 he was in France with 4./Pz. Austfkl. Abt 129, part of the 29 Pz. Gren Div from where they went to Italy. In January ‘45 he lost a leg. His awards are as follows:
EK2 (soldbuch)
EK1 (soldbuch)
Ost medal (doc signed Major Peter Ziegler DKiG Sept ‘44)
NKS in bronze (Ziegler)
"25" PKA in bronze (Ziegler)
NKS in silver (soldbuch)
DKiG (19 Oct ‘44) (soldbuch)
SWB ( Two docs)
The regimental variant "25" PKAiB & NKSiB are both signed on the same day (1.9.43 by Major Ziegler) as my other Pz. AA 129 doc in an other post. Same variant but a KBAiB. Stewy

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Schlupfjacke Drillich Jacke Feldbluse Feldhemd Hemd original WWII WH

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 28. Feb. 20:35
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