Archive for September, 2015

Original Stahlhelm M35 Deutsches Afrika Korps Gr55 SE62 DAK Südfront Italy Elite

EUR 419,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 13. Sep. 20:18
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Vest Mess Aust Duntroon Vietnam Period

G’day all,

Thought to show this, one I’ve had in the deepest depths of the junk pile! This one came from an old mate’s Dad who served in VN as a Lieutenant (who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Scottish Regiment Melbourne in the 90’s) CGCF was known as MTX

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US ARMY M1 Helm Stahlhelm komplett mit Liner Innenhelm u. Kinnriemen #

EUR 159,00
End Date: 11. Okt. 17:45
Buy It Now for only: US EUR 159,00
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U.S. Officer Visor for opinions

Considering a US officer visor. I’ve been looking at examples on the forum, and I believe this is a wartime summer style visor with a 50 mission leather band on the back? I know these photos are way too small, and I’ve asked for larger, but I was hoping to see if anything looks completely out of place or if I’ve miss identified this one. Only oddity I can see from these photos is that there’s no buckle on the rear leather strap.

Thanks folks!

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Rare Goring 50th birthday plaque

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by: cricketchris1944

Description: Rare Goring 50th birthday plaque.
Ask any questions you would like.

War Relics Militaria sales

Einheitslaterne Bakelit Lampe Karbidlampe Wehrmacht WaA 65 WW 2 II WK WH DR

EUR 171,00 (24 Bids)
End Date: 13. Sep. 17:29
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Is this helmet salvageable?

This SSh-39 helmet is for sale for a cheap price and I wondered if it’s possible to remove the postwar paint. The helmet doesn’t seem badly corroded and thus there could be plenty of original paintwork left. I’ve seen many battlefield found helmets painted this way in Finland, usually done in the 60’s.

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US Army GI Feld Eßbesteck Messer Gabel

EUR 1,00 (1 Bids)
End Date: 13. Sep. 17:24
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Uniform Feldbluse Offizier, Sanitätsdienst, Wehrmacht, WW2 garantiert original

EUR 1,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 19. Sep. 22:05
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Altes Messer 2.WK 1938 Baron Solingen

EUR 10,00 (0 Bids)
End Date: 13. Sep. 16:36
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