Question Helft uns Hilfen ?
I have just got this Helft uns Hilfen, I do not know much about it, any info is welcome
Red Cross WinterRelief Donation Pin (Winterhilfswerke, WHW) , It is made out of plastic.
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
![]() | EUR 20,50 (6 Bids) End Date: 24. Sep. 19:42 Bid now | Add to watch list |
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Record card
Order booklet nr. 468325
1. Last name: Morozova
2. First name and patronymic: Yelena Filippovna
3. Military rank: Junior Lieutenant of the Administrative Service
4. Sex: Female
5. Year of birth: 1916
6. Place of birth: Village of Novofastov, Pogrebishche Raion, Vinnitsa Oblast
7. Party membership (since which year): Member of the Communist Party since 1940
8. Education: Secondary
9. Nationality: Russian
10. Since which year in the Red Army: April, 1942
11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied at the time of the award: File clerk and typist in the SMERSH Counterintelligence Section of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
12. Current place of service and position: File clerk and typist in the Smersh Counterintelligence Section of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
13. Home address of the awardee: 14 Dnepropetrovsky [Dnepropetrovsk] Street, city of Tiraspol
14. List of all awards received:
Name of the order or medal/Serial number/Number of the document/Ground of award
Medal for Combat Merit 989208 Temporary certificate nr. B-580260 Order of the 2nd Air Army nr. 080/N of May 6th, 1944
Order of the Red Star 1405795 Temporary certificate nr. Ye-895045 Order of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps nr. 015/N of May 22nd, 1945
Signature of the awardee: [signed]
I confirm the correctness of the data and the signature of the awardee (position and signature):
Chief of the Personnel Section of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
Major [signed] /Zlyvko/
January 24th, 1946/
Unit Award Order
2nd Air Army Order 080/N dated 6th May, 1944
On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, I award the following decorations for exemplary accomplishment of the Commands missions in the struggle against the German invaders and for having displayed valor and bravery:
Combat Service Medal to:
6. Junior Lieutenant Elena Fillipovna Morozovna Case Compiler-Typist, Counterintelligence Section SMERSH, 202nd Middle-Don Red Banner Bomber Aviation Division
Signed 2nd Air Army Commander General-Colonel Krasokov and Chief of Staff General-Major Telnov
4 Copies
1-2 1st Ukrainian Front Personnel Section
3 2nd Air Army Personnel Section
4 2nd Air Army (?)
Compiled by Bukhalo
17.4.1944 G.zk.
Award Sheet
Last name, name, and patrionymic: Morozova, Elena Fillipovna
Rank: Junior Lieutenant
Duty position: Case Compiler-Typist Counterintelligence Section SMERSH 202 Bomber Aviation Division
Recommendation for the Combat Service Medal
1. Born: 1916
2. Nationality: Russian
3. Party membership: yes
4. Previous combat: 1942
5. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
6. In Armed Forces: since March 1942
7. Inducted by: Special Selection, Special Section NKVD, Voronezh Front
8. Previous awards: n/a
9. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]
Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment
Comrade Morozova has been on active duty since March, 1942.
Working in the 202nd Bomber Aviation Divisions Counterintelligence Section SMERSH her selfless work helped the operational cadre wage a merciless struggle the enemies of the Soviet people.
Disregarding time and difficulties she conscientiously and precisely accomplished all assigned tasks.
For selfless work and rendering assistance to the operational cadre in the struggle against the peoples enemies Comrade Morozova is deserving of the Combat Service Medal.
Signed Section Chief, Counterintelligence Section SMERSH, 202nd Aviation Division, Lieutenant Colonel Pyanov on 5th March. 1944
Endorsed Section Chief, Counterintelligence Section SMERSH, 2nd Air Army, Colonel Lenev on 5th March, 1944
Endorsed Commander, 2nd Air Army, General-Colonel of Aviation Krasovskii on 6th May. 1944
5th Ground-Attack Aviation Vinnitsa Order of the Red Banner, Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky & Kutuzov Corps
No. 015/N
22nd May 1945
On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for exemplary accomplishment of the commands combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the hereby displayed bravery and courage, I award:
The Order of the Red Star to:
11. Junior Lieutenant Secretarial Services, Morozov Elena Filippovna, Clerk-Typist 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Vinnitsa Order of the Red Banner Corps.
Commander 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant-General Aviation
N. Kamamin
Chief of Staff 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
Colonel Yarotskiy
May 23rd, 1945
Award sheet
1. Last name, first name, and patronymic: Morozova, Yelena Filippovna
2. Rank: Junior Lieutenant of the Administrative Service
3. Position and unit: File clerk and typist in the SMERSH Counterintelligence Section of the 5th Vinnitsa Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
Is being nominated for: Order of the Red Star
4. Year of birth: 1916
5. Nationality: Russian
6. Party affiliation: Member of the Communist Party
7. Participation in the Civil War, the subsequent combat actions to defend the USSR, and the Patriotic War (where and when): In the Patriotic War since June 1942, serving on the Voronezh, 1st Ukrainian, and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts
8. Wounds and contusions received during the Patriotic War: No
9. Since when in the Red Army: Since June 1942
10. Drafted by which military commissariat: Joined up voluntarily through the Military Commissariat of the Korotoyaksky Raion
11. Previous awards: Medal for Combat Merit in 1943 by Order of the 2nd Air Army
12. Permanent home address of the prospective awardee and his familys address: _______________
Short, concrete description of his feat of arms or accomplishments:
Comrade Y.F. Morozova has been serving at the front since June 1942 as part of the Operational Red Army.
While working as a file clerk and typist she has proven to be an experienced clerk. During this time she put a great deal of effort into processing (illegible) and chekist and investigative documents, which actively contributed to the removal of counterrevolutionary elements from Red Army units and from among the civilian population.
She always carries out the tasks assigned to her on schedule, regardless of the difficulties she faces. She is industrious and energetic when working in the field.
For her selfless duties in the SMERSH Counterintelligence organization during the fight against counterrevolutionary elements, comrade Y.F. Morozova deserves the Order of the Red Star.
Chief of the SMERSH Counterintelligence Section of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
Major [signed] /Vakhlakov/
May ___, 1945
Conclusion of Superiors
Awarded the Government Award Order Red Star
Commander 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps
Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant-General Aviation
N. Kamamin
19th May, 1945
By Order of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Vinnitsa Order of the Red Banner, Kutuzov, & Bogdan Khmelnitsky Corps No. 15/N of the 12th of May, 1945
Chief of Staff Office of Personnel
23rd May, 1945
Service record
1. Last name, first name, and patronymic: Morozova, Yelena Filippovna
2. Date and place of birth: June 4th, 1916, village of Novofastov, Pogrebishche Raion, Vinnitsa Oblast
3. Nationality: Russian
4. Knowledge of foreign languages and level of mastery: Speaks and reads Polish
5. Social situation and origins: White collar from a white-collar family
6. Party affiliation
Member of the Communist Party since: 1940
Party membership card nr.: 3215158
Candidate member of the Communist Party since:
Member of the Komsomol since:
Not a party member:
Party penalties and changes in party affiliation: No
7. Education
General education: 9 classes in 1933 in the city of Belaya Tserkov
Military education (indicate full names of all military educational institutions, month and year of graduation, and whether he attended a full or accelerated course): No military education
Political education: No political education
8. Service at the front: Southwestern Front from June 1942 through August 1942, Voronezh Front from August 1942 through August 1943, 1st Ukrainian Front from August 1943 through May 1945
9. Wounds and contusions: No
10. Awards (orders and medals): Order of the Red Star, Medal for Combat Merit, Medal for the Capture of Vienna, Medal for the Capture of Budapest, Medal for the Victory over Germany
11. Has he been in captivity or surrounded; if so, when, where, and for how long (if he was surrounded, only note escapes separate from his unit): No
12. Registration numbers:
13. Registered where (name of the military commissariat and oblast): Gvardeisk Raion, Kaliningrad Oblast
14. Military promotions By whose order Order nr. Date
Junior Lieutenant of the Administrative Service Main Counterintelligence Directorate 212 July 27th, 1944
15. Personnel category: Administrative Service, reserve of the 3rd category
16. Branch of arms:
, military specialty nr. 250
17. State of health: Healthy
18. Refresher trainings attended:
19. Place of service and position (or nature of activities outside military service): Unemployed, dependent on husband
20. Family situation and home address: Married to Pyotr Demyanovich Rayevsky, born in 1916. Daughter Miroslava Viktorovna Morozova born in 1933, son Vladimir Viktorovich Morozov born in 1938, son Anatoly Petrovich Rayevsky born in 1946. 14 Rechnaya [River] Street, city of Gvardeisk
21. Special remarks: Service record booklet nr. AV-27405 issued on October 22nd, 1948
22. Service in the Soviet Army:
Name of the position Name of the unit By whose order Order nr. Date
Mess hall manager 906th Airfield Basing Battalion, 26th Airfield Basing Region, 8th Army, Southwestern Front June, 1942
File clerk NKVD Special Section of the 26th Airfield Basing Region, 2nd Air Army, Voronezh Front August, 1942
File clerk Smersh Counterintelligence Section of the 202nd Aviation Division, 2nd Air Army, 1st Ukrainian Front August, 1943
File clerk Ministry of State Security Counterintelligence Section of the 9th Bomber Aviation Corps, 15th Air Army, Baltic Military District August, 1944
Military commissar of the Gvardeisk Raion
Guards Colonel [signed] /Sidorenko/
Commissariat officer
Guards Lieutenant [signed] /Granin/
23. Transferred to the reserve of the 3rd category with the rank of Junior Lieutenant of the Administrative Service Ministry of State Security 2817 February 23rd, 1946
24. Retired with the rank of:
25. Attestation
On which position Final conclusion of the attestation Date
Document for the Medal Capture of Budapest dated April 6th, 1946 by the Commander of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps, Lieutenant-General and Hero of the Soviet Union (#2), Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin, Serial #A237561.
Document for the Medal Capture of Vienna dated February 12th, 1946 by the Commander of the 5th Ground-Attack Aviation Corps, Lieutenant-General and Hero of the Soviet Union (#2), Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin, Serial #A084550.
Junior Lieutenant Elena Filippovna Morozova’s Order of the Red Star, #1405745; the documentary inconsistency is due to what I believe is simply a clerical/bureaucratic error, which was not an uncommon occurrence.
Elena Filippovna Morozova’s medal bar with her Combat Service Medal, #989208, and later (post-war?) 4-piece brass suspension device. Alas, the document for her Victory over Germany Medal is missing, and the replacement ribbon for her Capture of Budapest Medal is a Liberation of Prague Medal ribbon, which I may replace with the correct ribbon at some point.
My thanks to Auke & Paul Schmitt for their invaluable assistance!
![]() | EUR 25,50 (0 Bids) End Date: 24. Sep. 19:36 Bid now | Add to watch list |
Any thoughts on the original bag or the re-purposed bag ?
![]() | EUR 9,50 End Date: 23. Okt. 13:17 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 9,50 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
I’m new to this great site and I’m an inert ordnance Collector.
Over the past 40 odd years I have collected the typical inert ordnance items such as bombs, grenades, artillery rounds, aerial bombs etc etc.
I have also "downsized" over the years as well and although most of the collection is long gone, I currently now just focus on artillery and bomb fuzes, which is really the "smarts" of the device, besides I also love clock /mechanical mechanisms…………..
In addition my current focus also includes, await for it -> Torpedo Pistols (fuzes), especially pre-1900 ones (HaHa - if they stilll exist!)
I’m currently researching the Development of the Whitehead Torpedo Pistol Design from 1866-1918, so if any members have any close-up photos of early vintage torpedo pistols/fuzes I would be very interested from hearing from them.
(Would be even more interested if there are any torpedo fuzes for sale! )
![]() | EUR 4,50 (0 Bids) End Date: 24. Sep. 19:21 Bid now | Add to watch list |
![]() | EUR 35,00 End Date: 15. Okt. 08:55 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 35,00 Buy it now | Add to watch list |