Unit marker tag for baggage items
I know this is not strictly the place for this post but as it identifies an individual and unit I hope you’ll appreciate it’s relevance.
Now my missus fell off her chair laughing when I told her i had acquired a bit of "original wood" luckily she didn’t ask how much it cost.
Now if you excuse the pun this stuff doesn’t grow on trees !
This is a wooden luggage tag for the soldier to put on his kit when in transport and it has surrvived a lot longer than the one the airline gave me this summer on my way to holiday !
it belonged to Obergrenadier Sehrig or Senrig and his feldpost number was 46808.
This feldpost is attributed to Infantry regt 726 and they were formed may 1941 in wk VI. In 1942 it’s designation was changed to Grenadier regt which means this is 1943 onwards tag.
As part of the 716 Infantry Division the unit was deployed in Normandy and flattened.
After being re-built it was flattened again in the Kolmar bridgehead, 1945 !