Archive for October, 2012

SS Buckle: Can someone help me out?

Hi people,
I’m new here and I need your help.
I run a secondhand shop with some classmates. We bought a big pile of
junk and this was also part of the pile.

Is is worth anything or just a really fake thing that I can throw away?

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EK2 by S&L for your opinions please

This cross is marked 4 for S&L. The ribbon looks OK, but the iron core looks a little too black to me for the age. Any opinions please?


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Petroleum Bath Question!

Hey all,
After taking the advice of some of my fellow collectors, i’ve decieded to give my metals a petroleum bath. This included soaking them in petroleum for 24 hrs. I applied a lot btw. Everyone talks about to do/ or doing this, but not the final step. So my question, and for futher research is; what do you do after 24 hrs? Scrub off? Wipe off? Waste off? Thanks to whom knows!

Ww2 german helmet liner drawstring, original

$9.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Friday Oct-12-2012 21:20:18 PDT
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5 Paar deutsche Reichsbahn Schulterklappen mit Knöpfe / Ersatzknöpfe

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Okt-18-2012 21:00:29 CEST
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Wwii german police model 1934 steel helmet! Nice soft liner and chin strap!

$99.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Monday Oct-15-2012 10:34:34 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $149.00
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Question Missing chin straps

Was wondering why it seems most helmets that I have been looking at on dealer web sites seem to have the chin straps missing,is there a reason for all these missing chin straps.

1873 German Deutscher Kriegerbund medal & hanger

$125.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Friday Oct-12-2012 15:37:34 PDT
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Flak Helmet story from a Vet!

Hello All
Some know that I’m putting together a collection of WW2 AAF Gear to honor My Uncle Joe’s service. I am very fortunate to have the left waist gunner on the B17 that my uncle was shot down in still alive and sharp as a tack. So I was thinking about adding a Flak helmet to my collection. So I called Phil to talk to him and asked if he ever wore a flak helmet while flying his missions, He said "No, nobody on the crew wore one, We would just use them to piss into and when the pee froze we would toss it out the window’!!!!!!! I just LMAO and then he said "No really thats what we did"!!!! So I guess I’ll skip the flak helmet for my collection or if I do run across one, I’ll have to see if it smells funny first!!!!!So if you got one and it smells funny you now know militaria
Semper Fi

Stahlhelm Abzeichen Helmabzeichen LW Heer gealtert - 2

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Okt-12-2012 19:57:01 CEST
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