Archive for September, 2012

Just when you thought you saw it all on ebay……….

Here is some comic relief, Would this be considered salty? lol feel free to add your comments

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Schulterklappen / Schulterstücke 1 PAAR blau eigefasst WW 2 WW1? original

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Sep-16-2012 23:40:36 CEST
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M43 Stielhandgranate

Got this one, but for me beard and all grenade looks strange, stick is bigger in diameter and heavier than others from my collection, guy who sold it said that it goes from metal grenade case from blue clay. If it is good I will get some more from him. If it’s bad then my grandma will get new potato masher.

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WW1 GERMAN Pickelhaube/Steel Helmet CHINSTRAP 100% Original.

$72.12 (0 Bids)
End Date: Friday Sep-14-2012 11:16:25 PDT
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Robert Harrop UK “Doggie People” Figurine–Rottweiler German “Kaiser Bill” WWI

$44.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Sep-09-2012 13:59:59 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $60.00
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Odd shoulder rank boards


I was mucking through old boxes of stuff trying to sort out my dispaly room, move some things along etc. While I don’t collect TR anymore I did have decent luft collection 20 years ago. What are these? They were in an auction lot I bought years ago with other insignia. Never gave them much concern as I presumed they were post WW 2. But looking at some threads here I wondered if they might not be WW2 Luft tropical ones? If anyone wants them PM with an offer, otherwise they are heading back to the misc. boxP1030565.jpgP1030564.jpgP1030563.jpg.

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What’s the story behind 2″ wings?

Hello To All
I was wondering what is the story behind 2" wings. I hear that they are refered to as Sweet Heart wings.
Were these wings worn by the AAF crew as part of a regulation uniform or were they just something they sent home to their Sweet Hearts?

infantry sturmabzeichan silber

Click the picture to follow ad…..

by: chuck303

Description: selling an unmarked shuco infantry assault badge in silver. came in a lot i got from a u.s veteran in the 28th.division. original bring back retaining a great amount of silver finish! I AM ASKING 160, PAYPAL ONLY thankshere is a link on the forum on the lot of items

War Relics Militaria sales

Question on US life preserver

Hi, can anyone whats the correct model of life preserver to be used on a US invasion display.
Would a mae vest be correct?

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Stahlhelm M42 Getarnt Camouflage XX Wehrmacht Heer Kettenhund Helm 2Wk WW2

EUR 15,50 (3 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Sep-09-2012 21:57:11 CEST
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