Archive for September, 2012

Unknown buckle

I think this is some kind of Imperial period buckle. The face plate shows a cathedral in Cologne Germany and has the words Dom zu Koln. Thanks for any help with what this was used for.

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Need help! Any Antique Book Experts Out There?!?

Hey guys i know that this dosent have any relations with militaria but we are in desprate need of some help? My mom has just run into a whole motherload of old antique 1800s-Early to mid 1900’s books for free and there are still hundreds of them coming. Some are involved with WWI and there is also an early 1900s version of last of the mohecons. If anybody is very knowledgeable in this area of books please leave a post and i will get you some pictures of them. I just need some help with value and info on the books.
Moderators Please Dont Delete I Will Try To Post The militaria books first.
Thanks A lot

Wehrmacht Nieten / Helmnieten für Stahlhelm / Helmet Rivets -NEU- nur € 6,99

EUR 6,99
Enddatum: Donnerstag Okt-11-2012 1:29:18 CEST
Sofort-Kaufen für nur: EUR 6,99
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SS Model 33 come Model 36 Chained Dagger, opinions please.

Hi Folks, I would love some help from members relating to my SS Dagger. This dagger was acquired by me from a vets family about 10 years ago ( Scottish soldier, dagger hung on wall for many years) and put away until know and I am trying to record as much history as I can to keep with it. From my research on the net to date, and please correct me where I’m wrong, this dagger is,
1) A Boker model 1933 ( as M36 Chained Daggers had no maker mark)
( yes, the vet’s family member did a nasty job on the blade cleaning by the looks of it, probably hours before it came into my hands, but these things happen :eek:,)
2) The scabbard has a bluing, anodized finish ( I think) with some age related, spider webbing, as well as nickel plated fittings?? with loss in places.
3) Someone dropped it, :eek:
4) The skull chain is a type II
5) Either the original owner purchased a new chained scabbard for his M33 Dagger or the scabbard for the M33 had a period upgrade???
6) No Roman numerals on the cross guard, what does this mean??
7) Is this an early dagger or not?
Many thanks for any input,
Mark in Oz

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Pilotenhelm Flight Helmet HGU-26 Pilot Training Class 78-03 Texas USA

$78.09 (6 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Sep-16-2012 11:10:49 PDT
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US Army WWI 91st Div. (Pine Tree Division)painted steel helmet RARE

$150.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Saturday Sep-15-2012 16:20:27 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $175.00
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WWII German Army M40 SE64 single Decal,WW2

$335.00 (6 Bids)
End Date: Monday Sep-10-2012 19:29:47 PDT
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Pair of m36s for show (lot of images)

Here are my 2 m36 helmets for comments. The one without star has been shown here before I bought it. But I took these in same go as the others. The one with brown sweatband is the one with red star. It has funky red rubber foam-like material as padding. Looks like from 1939. The other is 1938.

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New Visor Cap Book Coming Soon!

I would like to congratulate Tony Vickers on the upcoming publication of his latest book on German Army Visor Caps 1871-1945. Far too many collectors fail to study the history of the visor cap prior to 1933 (some 1939), and to truly understand it as a piece of historical military headgear, you cannot study them in isolation. This is the book I wish I could have written, but never have the time to do so.

My understanding is that the book will be available in October, and will be published in Britain, and you should be able to get it thru any military book dealer. Congrats in advance, Tony!

Regimentals are proud to announce the new Military Mode Publication, ‘German Army Visor Caps 1871-1945′. The book has been penned by, well known collector and enthusiast Tony Vickers and produced by Military Mode as a follow up to the successful books Einheitsfeldmutze and Afrika Korps. The work is a photographic study of the development of the Army visor cap from 1871 right through the First World War, looking closely at the period between the wars, a subject that is very much over-looked until now and then a detailed over-view of the Third Reich period and finally, a look in to the Veteran associations. The book informs the reader on the changes in shape using clever and helpful graphic drawings and of coarse the changes in insignia, colours and styles. All the caps featured in the book are from the authors collection and they are backed up by numerous previously un-published period images. The release date for this book is estimated to be November 2012. The images shown on this listing are pre editing.

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STAHLHELM Abzeichen Helmabzeichen Werkschutz VICTORIA M 34 M 35 M 40 M 42

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Sep-12-2012 16:56:39 CEST
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