Archive for September, 2012

M40 Heer tunic eagle

Click to the picture to follow the sales

by: Bond

Description: unused slightly soiled with some minor creasing. Price is ono and P&P depends on what you want and where you live

War Relics Militaria sales

WH WK II Gasmaske mit Dose 1939 mit Abnahmestempel ! TOP !

EUR 12,50 (7 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Sep-12-2012 17:55:21 CEST
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Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime

Shameful attitude of Roosvelt and subsequent US governments

AP Exclusive: Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime - Yahoo! News

WW1 pickelhaube Helmet back Rear Spine Brass Original

$19.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-11-2012 12:15:44 PDT
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Prussia ww1 pickhaube front helmet plate original

$40.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-11-2012 12:44:38 PDT
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New SS pick-ups…

Hello all, it has been a little bit since I have had time to join all of you on here. But I have a few new SS pick-ups that I found some time to share. A couple of cloth pieces and a salty 499/41 SS Totenkopf. The Totenkopf is the first one I have ever owned so pretty excited. Comments welcome.


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Iraqi issued British MKII Tank helmet?

Gday all,
An interesting one this I think.Obtained by a RAN serviceman during his deployment to the Gulf region in 1991.
The shell appears to be a repainted British MKII Tank (Para,dispatch rider etc) helmet that was used by an Iraqi during the first Gulf War.
I first thought of the “Red Crescent” organisation but worked out the crescent was also present on some period M80 Iraqi combat lids.There apppears to be some form of worn unit insignia on the side and a stenciled M on the rear.
I am assuming the gents name is the text on the inner rear and maybe a prayer on the inner front.
Sadly there is no liner only the shell.
As Iraq was a British protectorate it’s presence in this country is quite understandable but the shells history is a tad cloudy.

Iraq Brit MKII Tank 4.jpgIraq Brit MK11 Tank 1.jpgIraq Brit MK11 Tank 3.jpgIraq Brit MK11 Tank 2.jpgIraq Brit MKII Tank 8.jpgIraq Brit MKII Tank 6.jpgIraq Brit MKII Tank 5.jpgIraq Brit MKII Tank 7.jpg

Any thoughts or comments on this shell would be greatly appreciated guy’s ?
Have a good one and all the best.

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Fangschnur für Luger Pistole 08 P08 -Original !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Sep-12-2012 14:24:01 CEST
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Embroidered sleeve eagle

Please take a look at this sleeve eagle. I have my own thoughts, but would welcome your views.

Cheers, Ade.

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Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber

Click the picture to follow ad…..

by: Wolfe1165

Description: Here we have a silver wound badge marked ‘107′ for Carl Wild. Not much of the finish remains, and the catch is bent so the pin is stuck.Message me with any questions. PayPal is preferred.

War Relics Militaria sales

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