Archive for September, 2012

for sale Homemade 1933 german photo album pages


by: John Gowen

Description: This auction is for 5 pages of what appears to be a homemade 1933 German photo album. The photos are glued to both sides of manila cardboard 10″X14″ pages. There are notations beneath the photos in German by the original owner. There are multiple photos of Hitler, Goering,at least one if not more of Hindenburg,Goebbels, and others! Multiple shots of Zeppelins, parading troops and flags. SA troops and Hitler Youth! A few photos have not remained completely glued. From this I have discovered that the photos are part of a commercially produced set but they still retain value especially in this format with original descriptions.The photos and pages are in very good condition for the age other than slight yellowing to the manila pages and slight fading to some of the handwriting. If you have any questions please contact me. Offers welcome.

War Relics Militaria sales


EUR 11,00 (8 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Sep-13-2012 13:59:06 CEST
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Helmtarnbezug im Elite Rauchtarnmuster Blurred edge pattern cover for Stahlhelm

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Freitag Sep-14-2012 18:45:52 CEST
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Question WW2 Binoculars…….Peleliu

I just received a box lot of stuff from an estate. In it was a pair of binoculars that says "sHowA" on it. On the bottom of the leather binocular case there are remnants of a stamp that looks like Japanese writing. With the binoculars, came some photos that says "Peleliu USMC PHOTO" on it (will post the photos later) and a "Case Carrying M14" leather pouch. Does anyone have any info on these binoculars? Is it Japanese? Thanks.

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Tan painted luftwaffe

Hi This tan painted luftwaffe was in my collection buy. ting. I’m usually not interested in field painted items but I would keep this one if it’s real. Thanks for any opinions. Kirby

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Danish Helmet - German Liner

Hey mates,

just wanted to share my latest pick ups.

While its very common in Denmark to find german wwII helmets with danish post-war liners, this is the first time I ever see it the other way round:
A danish m23 helmet with a german luftschutz liner:


Got what looks like a pre-war civic gasmask as well. The combined price for both items were 4 quid.



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Need help! Frankreich 1940. Entscheidung für ein neues Europa??

I Have just biught this "propaganda" book Entscheidung für ein neues Europa Decision for a New Europe containing 80 pages and complete but a bit worn. IT is from 1940 and printed by Am. Colemandruck, Lübeck and costed 1 RM (Reich Mark). Do anyone know more about this book ?


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Need help! Argentinean M-1 Clone Maybe?

Just arrived yesterday, some of you may have seen this helmet on eBay. The chin strap caught my attention so I grabbed it up in hopes that it might be an Argentinean M-1 as we do not have one on the shelf. I think the chin strap will tell the story as the Argentines did use large rivets to secure the chin straps to the helmet bales. The J-Hook and Clasp are not familiar to me however, and I have yet to stumble on another of the same configuration, although to be honest, I have not spent much time doing so as of yet. The J-Hook and clasp are highly corroded, from near salt water use maybe? The rest of the helmet is free of corrosion.

The shell is definitely a clone and has no heat stamp or other markings of any sort. It is a front seam with a non-magnetic rim and is a few ounces lighter than a WWII US M-1. The liner is US made post Korea. I have no idea if the liner was recently put together with the helmet of if they have been matched for some time, no way of really knowing I guess. I’m not sure what is up with the black paint job either.

Any thoughts/ideas?










Thanks in advance,

Russ & Son

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M40 Heer tunic eagle

Click to the picture to follow the sales

by: Bond

Description: unused slightly soiled with some minor creasing. P&P depends on what you want and where you live.

War Relics Militaria sales

KM white uniform patches

Click to the picture to follow the sales

by: Bond

Description: 5 km trade patches for the white uniform. P&P depends on what you want and where you live.

War Relics Militaria sales

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