Archive for September, 2012

Original hose Kriegsmarine 2.WK.

EUR 209,99 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 13:26:19 CEST
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2nd class spange L/11 DEUMER

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by: chuck303

Description: selling my second class spange by L/11~DEUMER.RETAINING ALL OF THE FINISH, PRONGS INTACT AND MAKER MARK EVIDENT. PAYPAL ONLY! PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING ANYWHERE. guys i am asking $ with any questions, thank you

War Relics Militaria sales

Wehrmacht / Schulterklappen / Kragenspiegel / Fallschirmjäger / Luftwaffe

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Sep-19-2012 11:48:57 CEST
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My new dd heer(et 62)

It’s arrived! This is my latest helmet which is an apple green double decal ET 62 with the lot number 3969.I am really pleased with this one as it has a real "been there,done that" look to it.It has it’s original non magnetic chinstrap(undated) and the liner is supple with all rivets solid and untouched.I cant see the date on the inner band as there is to much dirt build up but i can see the size 56 which matches perfectly with the 55 stamped leather.After cleaning the inner up of 50 or 60 years of grime(the helmet came from a scottish basement)the initails of the original owner could be seen(H.K).The decals are in fair condition and are both evenly toned with crazeing to a matching level of wear and tear,and the apple green finish is about 60-65% complete.All in all a nice used double decal HEER,i hope you enjoy a look and can use it for reference.

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Kragenspiegel + Schulterklappe / original !!!!

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Sep-17-2012 9:47:25 CEST
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Helm pilotenhelm düsenjäger flugzeug pilot kind be 12 na 80 + kommunikation 58

$30.69 (0 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Sep-16-2012 13:02:41 PDT
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STAHLHELM WH Helmabzeichen Volkssturm Königsberg - 34

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Sep-14-2012 19:50:36 CEST
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Unusual Pilot… Help with ID

I picked up a beauty of a photo of an American pilot, wearing an RAF uniform. If you look closely he has US issue buttons and US wings on the RAF tunic. He also wears the VR collars denoting that he was probably pre/early ww2 volunteer. What has me baffled is the ribbons which appear to be WW1 French and US mixed. I think I can pick out the Croix De Guerre with palm, French Bravery award and the US Germany Occupation ribbon for WW1. I am lost on the rest. Any help would be greatly appreciated in identifying this guy or his ribbons at least. Either way he is at very least a rare US volunteer to the RAF. The curator at RAF Hendon could not help at all and remains baffled. Photo by Bassong. This is a large and expensive looking photo from a prominent photographer of the time. I highly doubt that this is someone playing dress up. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am at a loss at present.


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Need help! Wz.36 Polish Officer’s Garrison Trousers, 100% original pre-war ?


Are these Wz.36 Polish officer’s garrison trousers, 100% original pre-war, please ? :confused:

They look Tailor made with the striped lining and the "For Gentlemen" buttons.

I have attached the photos.

Please reply as soon as possible. ;)

Thank You


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A haunting Japanese prayer flag…

I have decided to purchase this from an authority on Japanese flags. As such, it’s authenticity is indisputable… he also priced it nicely for me. :)

I intend to use this flag as a teaching aid that will definitely shock and capture the attention of my students. I must admit that this flag has a certain haunting quality to it…

Good Luck Flags, 9-11-12 001.jpg


There are blood stains on this flag, so there is no doubt that it saw combat. You will notice darker colored splotches here and there on the flag. All of the characters were painted onto the field with brush and black ink. When the soldier was wounded/killed, his blood mixed with the ink in a few places and made it run. There is one small (3/4 inch) cut in the material inside the red center and perhaps 2-3 much smaller holes across the front.


For me… it’s chilling… almost macabre that the blood of the soldier mixed with the ink of the well-wishes and words of encouragement and protection that his family/ loved ones wrote for him and caused the ink to run…

What do you folks think?

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