Archive for September, 2012

Helmet ok???

Hi all.
I buy this Helm for 4Years in a German Militaria Forum.
Is this Helmet ok??
Greeting from Germany

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Swedish Volunteer Corps (Svenska Frivilligkåren) militaria

A Brief Background…

The Swedish Volunteer Corps (Svenska Frivilligkåren) comprised 8,402 Swedish volunteers. During the Winter War elements of the SFK began relieving five Finnish battalions at Märkäjärvi in mid-February. I the subsequent battles with Soviet forces, thirty-three men died in action, among them the commander of the first relieving unit, Lieutenant Colonel Magnus Dyrssen.

Here are a few photos of some Swedish insignia, medals and commemorative awards plus some other Swedish militaria that would have been used by the SFK volunteers.

The Commemoration Cross (Frivilligkorset - Svenska Finlandsfrivilligas minnesförening)

[ATTACH=CONFIG]396828[/ATTACHmy Commemorative Medal for Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War and Continuation War back.jpg

Plaque for Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War (Minnesplakett för SFK under Vinterkriget)

[ATTACH=CONFIG]396830[/ATTACHmy Commemorative Plaque for Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War and Continuation War (Line Serv.jpg
There are two types of plaques - the one I have is for SFK volunteers that served at the Front during the Winter War.

Swedish m26 helmet taken to Finland by SFK volunteers(a variation of the m21 helmet)
Swedish m26.jpg
German style liner
Swedish m21-18 (German type liner-wartime).jpg

Swedish Volunteer Corps weapons.JPG

Swedish Volunteer badges.jpg

Finnish Awards Document for Commemorative Medal of the Winter War with Karelian Isthmus clasp 2.jpg

my Swedish SFK insignia - left - I. Battle Group (I.stridsgruppen), right - Swedish Volunteer Co.jpg

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German WW2 Original Relic Helmet M-42 ( Bullets Damage )

$9.98 (0 Bids)
End Date: Monday Sep-17-2012 10:09:54 PDT
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Fallschirmjäger Stahlhelm / Fliegerhelm - 2.Wk

EUR 116,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Sep-13-2012 18:19:41 CEST
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Early Red Cross and Athletic Association

A few more buckles from my collection buy.

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Bayonet info?

Can anyone give me some information on this bayonet?

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Trijicon Accupoint TR-20-2 3-9×40 Scope Devgrp Ops core Crye AOR1 SASR PEQ Elcan

$829.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Sep-13-2012 7:57:53 PDT
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Book from Hitler’s Library?

I offer this with no claims, and ask that you assess it on the basis of your expertise, common sense, or just plain gut feeling. But, however you arrive at your opinion, please give me—and everyone else—the benefit of your rational for making your assessment. Here’s the story behind it. I found this book in an open-air seller’s stall on Albrecht Strasse, Ecke Schloss Strasse, in Berlin in March 1957. I paid 50 Pfennig (about 7 US Cents at the time) for it. I ask the seller about the Ex Libris sticker and he just shrugged and said that it probably came from the Reich Chancellery when the Russians looted it in 1945. He had several other books dealing with WWII that I also bought, several that had come from private libraries, including one from Walter Funk’s home in Wansee and a very rare first edition copy of Achtung Panzer! by von Rundstedt.
These are my observations: The Ex Libris sticker is aged to the same degree as the paper around it and there is some faint spotting on it. So, my friends, colleagues, and collectors, what do you think; is it genuine? Dwight


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Wehrmachtshelm Stahlhelm Repro Wehrmacht Uniform WKII

EUR 59,90
Enddatum: Donnerstag Sep-13-2012 19:21:49 CEST
Sofort-Kaufen für nur: EUR 59,90
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GI sent home box

I have been looking for one of this sent home box for a long time.
I am not sure what this box was made during war time,or where this US unit was?
I was looking for one that was in good condition and was a German used box.
With address still visible also with the stamp.

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