Archive for September, 2012

Jacke ,Wehrmacht,Feldbluse,Uniform,General WH,WW2,WK2

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Sep-16-2012 19:38:13 CEST
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Need help! bevo eagle identification

Hello all,

Can anyone please identify this one for me?

William Kramer

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MG34 MG42 Rohrwechsellappen WK2

EUR 2,50 (3 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Sep-14-2012 19:25:26 CEST
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orig. Schulterstück Kragenspiegel Arzt mit 10 Auflage Feldunterarzt

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Sep-16-2012 16:14:42 CEST
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Ebay helmet

Not sure if it is okay to post about an item on Ebay and if it is not allowed, please delete this post. I want to know if this item, 230848632060 , could possibly be real. Looks like the real thing but you never know. Thank you, Jon

is it good ?


not my thing so im ignorant as to authenticity

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RKT signed picture

just got this RKT signed photo/picture cool militaria

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saar pins deal

heres some saar pins i have worked a deal on , how do they look?

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SS cap skull - Original?


Can you help me to identify if this SS Cap Skull is original or fake?

The fotos are attached.

Best regards,

Von River


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Cuffia da pilota tedesco originale fliegerhaube german helmet ww2 wwii original

$24.49 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Sep-18-2012 12:51:43 PDT
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