Archive for September, 2012

ACU DIGITAL Knie & Ellenbogenschoner

EUR 3,51 (3 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-15-2012 17:37:04 CEST
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M40 Heer tunic eagle

Click to the picture to follow the sales

by: Bond

Description: unused slightly soiled with some minor creasing. P&P depends on what you want and where you live. Guaranteed 100% original.

War Relics Militaria sales

Me 323 Gigant discovery off Sardinia

Todays most interesting news is:

Massive Luftwaffe plane wreck ‘found off Sardinian coast’ - Telegraph

But do any of u guys have any more information about it ?
I’ve always been fascinated by the Me 321/323 aircraft and i’d love to see this being brought to the surface.

How intact is it, and did it have any cargo on board when it went down? It coud be stuffed to the gills with interesting (and valuable) Wehrmacht kit…..

WW2 German Paratrooper Schimpf Badge 3d Fallschirmjager Division Fallschirmjäger

$16.10 (1 Bid)
End Date: Friday Sep-14-2012 12:03:45 PDT
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SS-Dienstauszeichnung 4.Stufe (4 Jahre).

Iconic WWII German M40 Helmet SE68

$350.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Friday Sep-14-2012 16:25:06 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $450.00
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SS 8 Year Service Medal.

Hello to everyone,I’m a newbie to the site and would like as many honest and forthright opinions as possible please on the following medal I am interested in….

SS 8 YEAR SERVICE MEDAL :16th Medal down on the page….Jamie Cross Militaria - Cased Decorations and Medals

ALL opinions welcome please!



A slow time to be selling militaria?

I have noticed here and on other forums that it appears to be a slow time for selling items and I wondered if others had noticed the same thing?
Is this the result of the economic downturn affecting many countries or is it a general decline in interest due to declining numbers of collectors?
I know that many items were overpriced in the past but even allowing for a drop in market value it still seems that things are selling slowly.
I know on this forum we have a number of younger collectors, which the lack of is often listed as one of the reasons for a decline.
Are people only buying high end items or are people only trying to buy bargains, or is it more that many are only interested in Helmets, Tunics, medals and SS items and there is less interest in other items?

Any thoughts?

Nice Magazine “Die Wehrmacht” from 1941

Nice, complete and in good condition Magazine. It is in German but sold in Denmark.

Die Wehrmacht Nachrichtenhelferin der Luftwaffw nr 3 29 januar 1941
Herausgegeben vom Oberkommando der wehrmacht
published by the Oberkommando der wehrmacht
5. Jahrgang Nummer 3 Berlin den 29. Januar 1941
Einzelpreis 25 Rpf und Bestellgeld- Erscheint vierzehntäglich
Price 25 Rpf and ordering money-Appears, Fortnightly published

I can tell that the Magazine was sold in Denmark, the prize 40 Oere (40 Øre) is stamped on the front, the currency “Oere/ Øre” is only danish.
Text on the cover:
Nachtrichtenhelferin der Luftwaffe
Ebenso wie im Heer tun auch der Luftwaffe zahlreiche Nachtrichtenhelferin sowahl in den Nachtrichtenstellen der Heimat wie in den besetzten Gebieten Dienst, und zwar einen Dienst, der gewönlich ausserordentlich aufreibend ist
Aufnahme: Dr. L. F¨rs
The front text in English:
Just like in the army and the air force to do many night sowahl directing assistant in the night directing bodies of the homeland and in the occupied territories, namely a service that is usually quoted extremely stressful

Die Wehrmacht was a German Military magazine, which was published from 1936 to 1944 to serve German Reich propaganda purpose.
It promoted the newly formed Wehrmacht, official editor was the new Oberkommando der Wehrmacht from February 1938 onwards.
Aimed at young readers, the price was only 25 Reichspfennig, and illustrated in colour, mainly by Theo Matejko. In September 1944 it was cancelled.

Attached Images

Wehrmacht Badehose Heer Luftwaffe Kriegsmarine Uniform Hose Original WW2 WK2

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Sep-23-2012 22:07:56 CEST
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