Archive for September, 2012

German WW2 Messerschmitt BF109 PIlot Flight Helmet Original

$100.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Sep-16-2012 19:04:34 PDT
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U-boot Frontspange in Bronze, opinions needed please.

A friend of mine has brought this clasp for re-sale and I just want to see if it is genuine before he sells it. I have compared this example to known originals of this maker. Firstly the detail on the front of this clasp seems to be very soft. The catch and pin appear to match the makers and also so does the style of the lettering although I am not totally convinced, but what do you guys think?
Thanks, Glen.

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Hose deutsche Wehrmacht WK II original gestempelt - ungewaschen

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 20:03:00 CEST
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Luftwaffen Hose - vermutlich WK II deutsche Wehrmacht Dachbodenfund

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 19:51:22 CEST
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Mündungskappe für Rohr 81mm Granatwerfer - s.Gr.W.34.

EUR 2,50 (2 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Sep-16-2012 1:11:25 CEST
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Another Ebay helmet

Whats the chances of this being real.

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Altes Werkzeug fur Patrone

EUR 19,99 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-15-2012 20:52:56 CEST
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Are you kidding me?? Just for laughs

Here is a dagger being sold on Ebay for a price that should be really worth $25.
The sad part is,, someone who is unaware and has no clue of existence of these forums will end up buying it!
Heres the Link:…. Naval dagger 4th Reich

15th September 1940. Let’s lift a glass to the memory of the few.

Today is officially Battle of Britain Day, the 15th September.

I for one shall be having a wee dram later tonight, to the memory of the few of many nations, who saved this country of ours when we stood alone in 1940.

Below is a famous photo from Picture Post magazine of one of the young pilots who gave his life in defence of his country. He is Pilot Officer Keith Reginald Gillman, a Hurricane pilot of 32 Squadron based at Biggin. He was last seen 6 miles off the coast of his hometown Dover, on the 25th of August around 7.00p.m., his second sortie of the day, and is listed as MIA. He was 19 years old.

Let’s all remember him and the others of the few who did their bit for this country in it’s hour of need, at some point today.

Regards, Ned.

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1 PAAR Maat ,VM Marine,U Boot, Schulterklappen Schulterstücke Bootsmann MAAT

EUR 4,99 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 13:54:42 CEST
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