Archive for September, 2012

new luftwaffe german air force snorkel jacket parka ecwcs flecktarn camo M XL

$20.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Sep-20-2012 2:31:17 PDT
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Id tag

I found this in an antiques shop, in Kiel. The shop owner did not know what it was, but I bought it for allmost nothing. After a little investigating, I found out that it is a id tag for a soldier of 3 kompanie, 2 marine infanterie regiment.
I hope you like it.

All the best
Stig Erik


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1944 Militaria

A while back I noticed 1944 Militaria in a magazine and decided to call for info concerning German helmet offerings. I was told that they are original helmets that have been refurbished and had replacement liners installed. I took a chance and bought one a Model 40 with the rolled edge. Looks good despite small shell size. Anyone have knowledge of this company I would appreciate to hear replies. Did I get the real deal or did I Get hosed.

Original antique german morion/ pikemen pot helmet, restoration era c.1780

$495.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-19-2012 18:52:52 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $975.00
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Pilots Badge Good or Bad?

I’m not super familiar with these. It appears to be zinc. it is unmarked. Thoughts?

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Stahlhelm Innenfutter Wehrmacht Luftwaffe Heer Elite Größe 58 M42 M40 M35

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 12:55:09 CEST
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Question Woundbadge black miniature condor

What are your thoughts about this miniature pin?

Found only one reference and it showed only the front.
If geniune what is a fair price?

Need help! Winterschlachtmedaille im Osten original or fake?

I was at an antique store here in Europe today and am wondering if this medal is original with ribbon. also the dealer wanted about $65 dollars if you convert that to the current us dollar. The condition to me looked a little to good to be true but not sure


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Stahlhelm M42 mit innen Ring Bauernhaus Fund

EUR 33,50 (7 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 11:09:00 CEST
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Nahkampfspange, brass???

Good evening gentlemen
I am from the belt buckle-area, so this kind of stuff is not what I am looking for. But a friend mailed me some pictures of a "Nahkampfspange" and he wants to know if it is an original piece. The only thing he said was, that it is made of brass…
What do you guys think?! Any help would be greatly appreciated:)
Gruß Max

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