Archive for September, 2012

Große Kaffeekanne RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst 1938 Kaestner Saxonia Porzellan 2,5 kg

EUR 8,62 (4 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Sep-21-2012 18:02:35 CEST
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A Rare Fascist German Italian M33 Helmet used in the Spanish Civil War

$250.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Sep-20-2012 6:50:21 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $450.00
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for sale M40 Vehicle camouflage Heeres NS62


by: kenbent

Description: Superb vehicle camo helmet. NS62, batch nr. ? 367 (can’t read the prefix). Reissue lacquer applied face down decal. Authentic chin strap rb nr 0/1151/0005.Awesome colors. PM with any questions. Honest authentic helmet. M40, M36 liner.

War Relics Militaria sales

Rackham Confrontation 43 Griffon Miniatures 43 Greifen Miniaturen Rare Selten

$156.57 (0 Bids)
End Date: Monday Sep-24-2012 16:14:48 PDT
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Need help! Kompanie campaign history and assorted papers 9./J.R.20 (mot )

Hi guys, ( and any gals we haven’t scared off )

I bought this paper lot recently and would appreciate any assistance working it all out. It comes from Panzerjager regiment 20 of the ninth army?? ( if I have it correct )

The main book ( A4 size ) is the " War experiences of the Ninth in the West" and covers the French campaign from May 10th 1940 to June 9th 1940. Unfortunately the first few pages ( and therefore the last few also as it is a stapled book ) are missing but the history seems complete - so I don’t know what these may have been?

Along with the booklet came 3 other pieces of paperwork…
- a letter from the commander Oblt Kruger to the mother of one of his fallen soldiers, Josef Lindner who died in the Polish campaign in 1939
- a list of the men of the ninth that fell in Poland and France
- a printed note from the commander with his picture saying something I cannot understand in German - guess a stirring statement?

Anyway, hope from these photos you can fill in some of the gaps for me!
Thanks, Dan

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Stahlhelm M35 Deutsche Wehrmacht / Stempel im Futter & am Kinnriemen !!

EUR 116,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Sep-21-2012 7:43:01 CEST
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Britischer Stahlhelm wk 2

EUR 50,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 14:17:57 CEST
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unknown combat knife ?

do you know this one ?
no mark or stamp
thanks for answers

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Collectibles medieval ww1 german pickelhaube leather purussian armor helmet aa

$51.80 (0 Bids)
End Date: Wednesday Sep-19-2012 23:16:23 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $53.65
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German WWII helmet, liner, chin strap

$89.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Saturday Sep-22-2012 10:04:12 PDT
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