Archive for September, 2012

Ww1 prussian german pickelhaube leather armor armour long spike helmet

$101.28 (0 Bids)
End Date: Friday Sep-21-2012 22:58:59 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $103.12
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Unmarked Deschler Skull Ebay

Hi Guys!

One more time!
Is this Skull a fake one too ?

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WW2 Celebrity Lookalikes

I thought this might be worth a chuckle or two. Please post any that you can find too cool militaria

I found these two over on GHW :D

Bruce Willis




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for sale Noelle & Hueck Lüdenscheid Luftwaffe Belt Buckel


by: LostDutchman

Description: A great looking buckle with 95% or more of the original paint.

War Relics Militaria sales

DRL Sports Badge in Bronze

Click the picture to follow ad…..

by: LostDutchman

Description: A nice unmarked medal in bronze.

War Relics Militaria sales


EUR 52,00 (8 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 22:10:52 CEST
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Alter Stahlhelm - Das Innenfutter fehlen - Militaria Helm

EUR 8,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Sep-22-2012 22:10:36 CEST
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Question M42 SS helmet for review

Hello guys,

I have found this very nice looking helmet. I would like to have some opinions about the authenticity of it.
Helmet has a nice patina and it looks like the decal is there for a long long time. Markings inside the helmet are NS64 and D283 on the back.
Tomorrow I shall be able to put better pictures in this thread. A friend of mine has a better camera then me.



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My M42

A few pics of my M42 it’s a clk 66 batch number 1515
Picture helm 003.jpgPicture helm 002.jpgPicture helm 001.jpgPicture helm 004.jpg

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Bodenfund Schulterklappen WK 2 Deutsch

EUR 1,50 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Sep-28-2012 17:51:43 CEST
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