Archive for June, 2012

Waffen SS - Field Post

Dear Friends.,

I Share with you a Waffen SS fielpost.
I dont know if it’s a rare document or not.
If someone wants to translate… would be good
(my german is very bad)

Best regards.,

Von River


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SCHUPO Polizei Drittes Reich Schulterklappen und Kragenspiegel in Original Paket

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Jun-18-2012 21:22:36 CEST
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original officers ww1 german fire police helmet rare pickelhaube modell

$99.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Jun-17-2012 10:20:44 PDT
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Schulterstücke, Schulterklappen Admiral, Kriegsmarine, Wehrmacht, 2. Weltkrieg

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Jun-23-2012 19:23:38 CEST
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Spatentasche Bundeswehr

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Jun-14-2012 16:24:07 CEST
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8 Fotos Uniformierte 2.WK Stahlhelm , Ehrendolch usw. !

EUR 2,50 (3 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Jun-15-2012 14:50:08 CEST
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for sale HJ Wintercap + HJ pants and 2 framed pics


by: Kurt Meyer


War Relics Militaria sales

German Prussian Leather & Brass Spiked Helmet dtd 1892 Kaggr.4 13

$255.00 (3 Bids)
End Date: Monday Jun-18-2012 12:02:40 PDT
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Vorratsbehälter Waffenentgiftungsmittel

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Jun-14-2012 14:53:33 CEST
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SS-Flak-Abt ‘Nord’ Soldbuch

A recent addition to the collection is this Soldbuch to a soldier who joined the SS in 1941 and served with 6 SS-Nord Division for the remaining 4 years of the war, serving the entire time in that division’s Flak-Abteilung (and 3./SS-Panzerjäger Abt 6 which the 3./SS-Flak-Abt 6 evolved into during the latter stages of the war), and finishing the war with the rank of SS-Rottenführer. He didn’t win many awards (just 2 are entered) but one of them was the Heeres-Flak-Abzeichen which is a scarce entry to see in SS-Soldbucher.

Being with ‘Nord’ he spent most of the war in the far north of the Russian Front but along with the rest of the division he would of taken part in its transfer to Germany (via Denmark) in December 1944 and its participation in Operation Nordwind which was the last major German offensive on the Western Front. After the failure of this offensive ‘Nord’ continued to face American troops around Trier & Koblenz and during these actions, SS-Rottenführer Heinrich Dannenberg received bullet wounds and was sent to a Lazarett. It may well be that he was entitled to the Wound Badge after this but it was never entered in the SB for whatever reason.

I have been able to identify two signatures in the Soldbuch, those belonging to Paul Engber who was KIA in March 1945 at Pfaffenheck (which is near Koblenz and is the present day location of the 6 SS-Gebirgsjäger Division ‘Nord’ Memorial Site) and Martin Braune. Neither won any high end awards but I always enjoy identifying the signatures in Wehrpasse & Soldbucher.

The photo in the SB was removed (a not uncommon occurrence) but there is a small portrait photo that came with the SB that ‘could’ be Dannenberg. It fits the vacated photo area very nicely so it is possible that the original photo in the SB was a duplicate of the one shown.

DANNENBERG 001_final.jpg DANNENBERG 002_final.jpg

DANNENBERG 003_final.jpg DANNENBERG 004_final.jpg

DANNENBERG 008_final.jpg DANNENBERG 010_final.jpg

DANNENBERG 006_final.jpg DANNENBERG 007_final.jpg

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