Archive for June, 2012

Schulterklappen Schulterstücke Oberleutnant Reg -15 Kriegsmariene ? Original.

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jun-24-2012 18:00:45 CEST
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Stahlhelm auf Marmorsockel

EUR 2,50 (2 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jun-17-2012 21:12:11 CEST
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1st Canadian Parachute Corps Cap Badge good ?

I have seen this cap badge come up for sale gents and I would like to add it to my collection all though it is in very warn condition I am having a hard time telling if it is a good one or not any one have any thoughts .
It looks a lot like the repo one I have for display but I am unshur if my repo was made from an imprint from an original or not.

Regards Mark K

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Chin strap(s) check

I have an opportunity to acquire these two straps. One is 1940 and one is dated 42. Do they look ok to you guys?

Help needed on ID discs found in Normandy

Hi, I live near to Utah Beach in Normandy. I have found 2 German ID discs in my garden and wondered if anyone could help me identify them please.
1. SS-Pz Gren. Ers Btl 9
2. 3/JNF. ERS. BTL 37.

Thanks for any help.

originale alte kurze Hose aus dem 2.WK!!

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jun-24-2012 14:09:10 CEST
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Wwi german prussian imperial army spiked helmet pickelhaube helmewappe plate

$11.06 (4 Bids)
End Date: Friday Jun-22-2012 19:25:08 PDT
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Mosin-Nagant ammo pouch


I’d like your opinion about this Mosin-Nagant ammo pouch. A French collector thinks it is postwar production, whereas a British collector who owns a similar one tells me it is a wartime manufacture. So I don’t know what to think about this pouch :(
Thanks !




Regards, Cédric.

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ID Binoculars

A friend of mine has asked me if I can ID these binoculars but I have not seen them before, they have a WW1 military look about them but I don’t know, the pictures he has provided are not the best and as he is Polish he can’t tell me what’s written on them, it looks like London? Or landon? And possibly Dalland? On the other side Thoughts anybody.

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Casque allemand m18 - paradehelm - ww2 - 100% d’origine - german helmet- ww ii

$101.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Jun-19-2012 14:16:45 PDT
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