Archive for June, 2012

another m42 ss helmet saved from ground

Hello guy,s.Since two days as found in Latvian 19 ss gren.div.positions in Latvia.
Not much cleaned cause no need to make it bether than it looks-just water washed and wax cowered.IMG_6899.JPG

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Schulterstücke für General - Uniform 2. Weltkrieg 3.Reich Schulterklappen Theate

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Jun-29-2012 20:07:13 CEST
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Carl Eickhorn Field Marshal Sword for review

So I have the chance to buy this panther head sword and just have a couple of questions. The one question i have is about the beak on the eagle is it supposed to droop on this model? These are the only photos i have at the moment and will put more up when i get home from work. Let me know what you think.


backside hilt.jpgFront side hilt.jpginscription.jpgside.jpg

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top seltener Stahlhelm mit Ohrenauschnitt - Helm M18 Kraftfahrkorps top Rarität

EUR 198,97 (36 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Jun-21-2012 19:25:56 CEST
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Ww2 german helmet liner drawstring, original

$9.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Jun-21-2012 15:39:10 PDT
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Sitzfallschirm Luftwaffe Pilot Parachute + bag + Document German WWII No RESRV

$50.00 (1 Bid)
End Date: Sunday Jun-24-2012 18:00:16 PDT
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Schulterklappen Leutnant ( Assistenzarzt ) WW II

EUR 10,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Dienstag Jun-26-2012 14:37:52 CEST
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EUR 31,50 (5 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Jun-21-2012 18:40:27 CEST
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SA Meeting Halls

So i am getting ready to go on a trip around Germany and was wondering if there are any lists out there that name halls or places where the SA had there political meetings? Thanks in advance.


Need help! Wire cutter found in Pskov

We found this wire cutter in Pskov some time ago. I have a theory it’s German, but since the trenches have changed owners a few times it’s hard to say. We also found one in Bryansk but the Bakelite was not in as good condition as this one. One of the knobs on the handle was missing. Can anyone confirm it’s German?

Regards, Lars

Изображение 165.jpg Изображение 163.jpg

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