Archive for March, 2012

Kantinenporzellan, FLUV, Fliegerei, 6 tiefe und 4 flache Teller

EUR 61,01 (9 Gebote)
Enddatum: Dienstag Mär-13-2012 21:01:27 CET
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Need help! DAK helmet !!!????

Need help with this helmet! This helmet has been owned by the cousin of a colleague for maybe 16 years. This 50 year old gentleman purchased this helmet in Tunisia on a holiday. He is a policeman, not collecting specific militaria only interested in antiques (and wind surfing:rolleyes:.) that’s all. He showed me this pot for evaluation. He will keep it at all cost as a memory and cool stuff but I am very curious. I do not want sleepness nights.:) Well, it’s a hard one. My first impression was wow,:shok_yikes: this is a cool lid!! I want it!!:p But….We all know that scammers and swindlers put serious effort to rip off people. Besides I am always skeptic with camos, unique camos and especially with anything which bears DAK palm tree symbol.:confused::confused:
So….let’s start the description.
This is a single M35 shell. I can not see any evidence of underlying decal but paint is thick. Can’t see any marking because of thick camouflage but seems to be a Quist or NS to me by the shape. Smaller size 62. I think has luftwaffe blue inside. There are (at least) two layers of camo paint on it and impurities of unkown origin. Tan and some light (olive?) green on it. Hand painted and worn DAK palm on the right side painted around with the green. A lot of combat wear and scratches. The paint is relatively well attached (except mild flaking in some areas). Both camo layer has nice mudcracks but pronounced with the green.
Sniffing the helmet there is no paint smell or any acerbic odor from artificial aging with chemicals.
Opinions with this please!!! cool militaria or notcool

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A small handful of boxed medals.

As these are fairly common I have lumped them together for you to see. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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Over 170 fine quality militaria !

Do not hesistate and visit our shop and browse through more than 170 fine quality militaria items from both world wars. cool militaria

Wartime Militaria

Miniture mothers cross in box’s

These 3 have always been a favourite of mine, not sure why but they lovely little pieces.

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Combat clasp

Only a few more items to go, sorry if this is repetative but I want to know if they are original or not before we start talking money. So far so good, no dodgy ones have come to light. So what do you think to this one.

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German m16 helmet with original camo finish and liner…named

$637.08 (0 Bids)
End Date: Wednesday Mar-14-2012 15:13:49 PDT
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Sideshow EXCLUSIVE 1:4 Premium Format CAPTAIN AMERICA Statue Very Rare

$1,499.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Wednesday Mar-14-2012 14:14:08 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $1,649.99
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STAHLHELM Abzeichen 24.Gebirgs Division “Karstjäger”

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-14-2012 18:33:07 CET
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XL/T# Military Mig-15 Fighter Pilot Leather Flight Helmet Biker Motorcycle Hat

$39.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Mar-13-2012 17:59:21 PDT
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