Archive for March, 2012

Schulterklappen - Schulterstücke 1 Paar hellgrau

EUR 59,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Mär-19-2012 10:07:41 CET
Sofort-Kaufen für nur: EUR 159,00
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Brille Kradmelder WH Ausrüstung Schutzbrille WWII

EUR 81,00 (10 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-14-2012 20:14:02 CET
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shrapnel charlie passed away yesterday.

Need help! Finnish vol. sleeve shield…….. is this legit?

Hey everyone, this shield is in an up coming local auction, looks good to me, but not 100% sure, still has RZM tag…, lol !!!!

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German Helmet WWI Camo 1914-1918 Si 62 with initials inside

$503.32 (7 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Mar-15-2012 18:10:53 PDT
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Wehrmacht Gebirgsjäger Karst Steigeisen Grösse 2 Original 2. Weltkrieg SELTEN !!

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-14-2012 20:09:26 CET
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Need help! Unknown relic rank


got this with a bunk of relics, it was recieved with two pips in it, but I cant find a coreesponding rank, cloth is black, and seems to be round

any ideas??

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Original WWII Police/Fire Metal Helmet with Liner

$29.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Mar-15-2012 18:02:17 PDT
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Rucksack luftwaffe/ air force 2 wk sachs & deisselberg hamburg 1939 blaugrau

EUR 44,99 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-14-2012 20:08:53 CET
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“Gratitude” Documents

"Gratitude" Documents of Guards to Red Army Man (Private) Ivan Pavlovichu Krukovu:

- Gratitude to the participant of fight beyond Danube: For excellent operations at speeding up of the river of the Slave and mastering by the cities of Chorno and Sharvar - important knots of the railways and strong strong points of defense of the Germans, covering ways to border of Austria, - to guards to Red Army man Krukov Ivan Pavlovichu by the order of Supreme commander in chief Marshal of Soviet Union of companion Stalin No. 314 from March 28th, 1945 it is officially thanked.

- Gratitude to the participant of fight for Vienna: For excellent operations on mastering of capital of Austria by the city of Vienna - strategically important knot of defense of the Germans, covering ways to southern borders of Germany, - to guards to Red Army man Krukovu Ivan Pavlovichu by the order of the Supreme commander in chief of the Marshal of Soviet Union of companion Stalin No. 334 from April 13th, 1945 it is officially thanked.

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