Archive for March, 2012

Kleinfoto “Soldat mit Stahlhelm” um 1942

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Mär-16-2012 22:04:33 CET
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German K98 Bayonett for review

Here is my German K98 Bayonett whichI bought from a guy living 10 min away from me last night!

I like it, even though it’s not mint (which I don’t care that much about)

Attachment 319829
Attachment 319840
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Attachment 319833
Attachment 319827

Click to enlarge the picture















1 paar schulterklappen offizier regiment 204 wk ii siehe foto

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-21-2012 18:03:02 CET
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SA in Classifieds

So I wanted to get everyones opinion before I made an offer on this dagger. Any and all would be appreciated.


SA DAGGER - Militaria Collectibles buy - sell at War Relics

Luftschutz Gladiator

I’m pretty sure this is A-OK, never hurts to get other opinions though cool militaria

Attachment 319758Attachment 319759Attachment 319760Attachment 319761

Click to enlarge the picture





Wehrmacht Luftwaffe Sauerstoffflasche FW Flasche WK2 Bodenfund Flugzeug Tank

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-14-2012 22:11:29 CET
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Question Bullets Found [Request Info]

Im sorry to bother you i’ve found these 2 bullets in some ruins in Romania, does anyone have any info on them ?

Attached Images

Important! My Military Collection

Hey guys i just did a whole video on my military collection! Check it out. Guys if you have a youtube channel could you like and subscribe for more content!
My Military Collection - YouTube

STAHLHELM LW Helmabzeichen Luftwaffe gealtert - 28

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Mär-15-2012 20:55:32 CET
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Help Identify Please, found on Guam

Found this on Guam, anyone recognize it? Has 12 grooves from rifling. The way it is corroded it looks to be mostly steel with 3 rotating bands that look copper and not corroded. The tip is threaded and looks copper.
Attachment 319739

Click to enlarge the picture


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