Archive for March, 2012

Stahlhelm Tarnnetz

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-17-2012 12:32:12 CET
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ATS special issue kit bag

Hiya, this item was introduced in 1944.

Popular and very practical. The bag fastens up with a rope and a press stud flap.

This is the first pattern. It was later improved by widening the opening making it easier to pack/unpack. I will show the second pattern in the next post.

This one forms part of named group of items in my collection to Private M Heatley, W/161123.

Maker marked and dated 1944.

Cheers, Lez

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Wehrmacht Kernseife mit Banderole 1941 Top

EUR 19,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Mär-15-2012 20:46:23 CET
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EUR 10,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-17-2012 11:42:00 CET
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EUR 10,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-17-2012 11:40:48 CET
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WWII deutsch Heer Artillerie Mannschaft Kragenspiegel

EUR 7,00
Enddatum: Donnerstag Mär-29-2012 18:49:26 CEST
Sofort-Kaufen für nur: EUR 7,00
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ATS issue stockings & suspender belt

Hiya Lads, don’t get too hot under the collar looking at these :D

Here are the ATS issue stockings. These are the nice quality ones. These are "fully fashioned". Maker marked and dated 1942. Size 3.

Cheers, Lez.

Click to enlarge the picture



Original ww2 german police helmet + liner + chin strap vet item 100% authentic

$375.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Friday Mar-16-2012 14:35:51 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $550.00
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Em34 rangefinder used with the Mg.34

Here is a nice lttle unit, often associated with the Mg.34. These rangefinders seem to be the most desirable amongst collectors…maybe because they are small and not as ungainly as the larger models. Thought it was a little different and you guys might like to see it.

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German posters and proclamations from Jersey, Channel Islands.

Here are few posters and proclamations that I found recently. These posters were put up at prominant places around the Island for the Civilian population to see. These days they don’t turn up too often and as such are much sought after.
Hope you like them.

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