Archive for March, 2012

M16 german helmet,ww1,stahlhelm

$106.55 (7 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Mar-18-2012 11:26:39 PDT
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Swedish Special Forces Fighting Knife

Attachment 320762Attachment 320761Attachment 320759Attachment 320758Attachment 320757Attachment 320756Attachment 320755

Hello Guys,
This is a knife I aquired recently from a friend who is serving in the Danish Army.
He informs me that it is used by the Swedish SF and as you can see the blade should be familiar to those who know the Swedish Mauser 1896 bayonet.

They have used the blade of the bayonet and fitted it to a wooden handle and scabbard. the bayonet is all metal and would freeze in the hand ,wood does not. They wear it to the front of the belt and high.
I have not been able to research this any further so any help appreciated.
It looks quite a nice knife.



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Deutscher Stahlhelm, Repro?aus Eisen, Sammleranfertigung?

EUR 150,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Mär-18-2012 16:01:22 CET
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Deutscher Stahlhelm, Repro?aus Eisen, Sammleranfertigung?

EUR 150,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Mär-18-2012 16:01:22 CET
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post-war passport - relief in Germany and Europe…


Thought of shearing here with you some images here.

This unique US passport is extra interesting because the holder was issued a Special Passport, due to her being an official for the UN, serving with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA), first in Greece and Egypt (1944-46) then in occupied Germany and Austria for the IRO, assisting post-war refugees.


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Schulterklappen Reichsbahn

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Mär-23-2012 19:23:12 CET
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Dachbodenfund bodenfund fallschirmjÄgerhelm stahlhelm wk ii luftwaffe ausrÜstung

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-17-2012 21:09:49 CET
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Need help! Luger (magazine catch spring)

Hey everyone.

Well, the title says most of it.
I’m currently restoring a Luger p08 model 1940

Its a relic I found recently with my metaldetector
it’s totally derusted..

But now I’m looking for a magazine catch spring..
Can’t find it anywehere, and when I do, they wont ship it to Holland.


Need help! Lots of insignia, a Kriegsmarine dagger? and various unknown items.

I have very little knowledge of these items so any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Attachment 320549Attachment 320546Attachment 320543Attachment 320540Attachment 320537Attachment 320550Attachment 320547Attachment 320544Attachment 320541Attachment 320538Attachment 320551Attachment 320548Attachment 320545Attachment 320542Attachment 320539

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Dagger collection - review needed!

Hello folks,
Am a newbie here but am absolutely enjoying the wealth of knowledge that’s being shared on this forum!
I recently acquired a collection of knives and daggers from an immigrated German soldier’s household, and am looking to get an insight on their authenticity. Would appreciate if anyone could review them and let me know their thoughts.
I’ll start by posting a few pics straight from my iPhone (can post better resolution later, if needed) of a Heer dagger (Solingen Puma) and an army officer’s dagger.
Thanks in advance!

Attachment 320487Attachment 320488Attachment 320489Attachment 320490Attachment 320491

Attachment 320492Attachment 320493Attachment 320494Attachment 320495Attachment 320496

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