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I found this M16/ M18 helmet shell for sale locally on Craigslist. The seller is literally 10miles from my house, and less than a mile from the school I teach at.
The seller is offering this lid for $180, which seems too expensive to me considering the rust and lack of all interior components.
What are you opinions of this lid? What would be a good deal for it?
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(Im a moron)
Today I met up with Dave (Sandgroper) from the forum to do a trade and this was part of it. Its a complete set with carry straps, spare lenses,cleaning cloth and spring as well as the mask itself. The best part is its named and has a feldpost number. It has been posted on the forum before but the number on the paper tag has been damaged over time. While looking over it this arvo I found the number has also been painted under the paint and clearly visible, so..
Uffz H.Prelß L.37019 - Flak Regiment 30
The can has been issued in standard green, where the Feldpost number has been painted on as well as 153 on the top of the can. After that its been repainted in Luftwaffe blue (matches my helmet and buckle perfectly) and issued as can 435. After that a quick, patchy job of spring green colour has been added quite thickly to the outside, leaving runs in places. The staps are dated 1940, spare lenses 1939/40 (4 sets) and the can itself is dated 1940.
Reading up online it looks like Flak Regiment 30 (mobile) was formed in Eifel in 1939/40 and went through the battle of France to remain in Cherbourg for the rest of the war. Also looks like elements of the regiment were based around Ste. Mere Eglise during 5/6th June 1944. Regiment was destroyed July 1944.
Extreamly happy with having this in my collection and it will not be going anywhere.
Thanks again Dave!
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