Archive for March, 2012

Authentic original vintage WW2 German helmet vet bring back

$96.00 (6 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Mar-22-2012 13:29:24 PDT
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HJ tinnies

I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread where members can post their HJ related tinnies? I’ll start off with my HJ (W&L M), Tieste number 35-01c.

Attachment 322236

Attachment 322237

Click to enlarge the picture



Stgw44, MP 44, Surmgewehr Magazintaschen top Repro

EUR 3,38 (2 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-21-2012 20:06:30 CET
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RCAF wing

I got this bad boy today in a lot of RCAF items. It is part of a collection from a Pilot Officer who served with the RCAF in Africa from 1940-44, then again from ‘44 to ‘45. I assume this is the wing from the Class A’s, as it is silver bullion. I do not understan why there is no "RCAF" printed under the WOAG. My question would be, is this an English wing that was issued to a Canadian airmen -or am I way off base on this one?

Click to enlarge the picture



Originale Helmnieten SC 1944 Stahlhelm M42 M40 M35 Splinten Innenfutter

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Mär-22-2012 20:43:17 CET
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My own Helmet Liner

This is my own Liner..While getting discharged, picked this off my rack and stuffed it in my duffle bag.. Have the Helmet around here some place…Getting a little beat, but still got her.

Click to enlarge the picture


EK II 1914 backwards

Hello everybody

Why do some soldiers took pictures with his cross on backwards? Error, aesthetic or protest?

By the way, I love the design on backwards, many details and I love oak leaves


Large Mig-15 Pilot Leather Sheepskin Flight Summer Helmet Biker Cap Hat

$34.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Mar-22-2012 0:54:18 PDT
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Originale Drillichuniform /Wehrmacht von 1942 /Jacke und Hose

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Sonntag Mär-25-2012 20:44:51 CEST
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Brandenburg gate NSKOV honor set

Click the picture to follow ad…..

by: all1knew


Hello all,

Here’s your chance to pick up a very nice and early NSKOV stickpin and tinnie set.


Price includes free shipping within the United States. If this sale is outside of the US we can split the shipping. is an option but I would prefer a Money Order.

Thank you for looking.

William Kramer

War Relics Militaria sales

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