Archive for March, 2012

Original german ww1 white cover for helmet. size 64.

$149.00 (2 Bids)
End Date: Friday Mar-23-2012 19:00:04 PDT
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Question No2 MIV* ?

I’ve been looking for one of these for a few years now, when I had the money, none were to be found, when I was broke they were all over the place, this weekend they all connected.

The rifle was made by BSA in 1918, but it has no other markings on it for a conversion. I’ve read that not many markings were used on units converted during ww2, but also that there were alot of .22 No2 bolt heads and barrels sold as surplus. It does bear an importers mark, so it came into the US after 1968, and the stamp says No2 MkIV. All serial numbers are matching on the rifle, the number on the reciever was added after something had been ground off.

Do you think this was put together after the war? or could it have been a wartime conversion?

Attachment 322563Attachment 322564
Attachment 322565Attachment 322566Attachment 322567Attachment 322568Attachment 322569Attachment 322570

Click to enlarge the picture









9-fingered liner???

Does this liner look ok? I thought they were supposed to have 8 fingers instead of nine. Thanks.

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Stahlhelm WK II Weltkrieg

EUR 16,50 (5 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-24-2012 11:32:09 CET
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Original Paar Schulterklappen Luftwaffe Oberfeldwebel - Fallschirmjäger WK

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-31-2012 20:48:59 CEST
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original Hose zum Luftsch.- Gummianzug von Continental - selten !

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Samstag Mär-31-2012 19:44:30 CEST
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WW1 Original German Uniform pickelhaube helmet side post Buttons-2parts

$9.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Friday Mar-23-2012 1:54:34 PDT
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Wehrmacht Tropen Afrikakorps RUCKSACK mit Riemen Dak Backpack MINT UNISSUED

EUR 52,00 (14 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-21-2012 20:55:19 CET
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Question WWI Next of Kin Honor Cross

I’m sorry I don’t have a photo of the actual medal for sale. But it’s the "Hindenburg Cross" next of kin honor cross, with ribbon, in the case. I saw it at a show and would like to have it to go with my non-cambatants cross. But the seller’s bottom price is $250. I know some here don’t like to get into prices and values too much, but is $250 a little steep for that medal with case? I attached an example photo so we all know what I am talking about.

Click to enlarge the picture


alte Zigarettendose alte Blechdose TUFUMA Dachbodenfund Nachlass

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Mär-21-2012 20:45:26 CET
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