Archive for March, 2012

WWII German NS-RKB Veteran’s Armband Insignia - help please!

Another whining plea for help gents :) How does this look? Auction site description: WWII German NS-RKB Veteran’s Armband Insignia, Cut From Roll, Bevo Embroidered, Original. Very clean. Condition Excellent.

Attachment 323118

Attachment 323119

Attached Images


german camo / helmet cover/ splinter/ reenactment/ WW2/ zeltbahn/ mauser/ panzer

$8.80 (1 Bid)
End Date: Saturday Mar-24-2012 18:13:50 PDT
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Need help! M1 Garand

Hey guys i really want to get an original M1 Garand, but i really want to get one for like 300-500$ is that possible. Also it wont be until september cause that my birthday month. And im 14 is it legal or do i need a licence. I also live in illinois so i might need help with the laws.

Just a little bit of 101st AB and USAAF stuff

This stuff all came from the same veteran. He brought back German insignia too, but I forgot to take photos of it all.

Enjoy… :)

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WW 1 German helmet very rare M-17-BF 64

$128.39 (6 Bids)
End Date: Sunday Mar-25-2012 12:04:07 PDT
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Military Mig-15 Fighter Pilot Aviator Biker Summer Leather Flight Helmet Hat Cap

$19.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Saturday Mar-24-2012 17:58:47 PDT
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Wehrmacht schulterriemen

EUR 9,99 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Freitag Mär-23-2012 20:32:34 CET
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Question M1917 helmet

Attachment 322989Attachment 322990Attachment 322991Attachment 322992Attachment 322993Attachment 322994I just received a WW1 helmet but what baffles me is the heat stamp indicating "CU308" under the brim. I find no listing for this anywhere but I read in an older blog that "X, Y and of course "Z was used for american helmets. Is it possible the letter "U" was used before the other letters? If so, can that be a rare one issued? There is no liner or pad in the lid nor does it use the split rivets. I’m trying to upload photos but am having difficulty, but I can e-mail them.

Click to enlarge the picture







Wehrmacht (?) taschemesser

EUR 9,99 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Mär-23-2012 20:22:44 CET
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M38 Fallschirmjägerhelm Luftwaffe Südfront Stahlhelm Helm Kreta Normandie Top

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Mär-23-2012 22:10:13 CET
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