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Just finished the washing up, and plenty of it there was, during which my mind wandered thinking:
a) why don’t I buy a dish washer ? and
b) when a cap was marked gepruft or given it’s acceptance stamp by a unit was this administered just to private purchase caps for other ranks or did the officers also have to get their cap inspected ?
I have two examples that are officers (in respect of having the silver cord) but are marked with acceptance stamps.
My conclusion is that they are "upgrades" and were originally other ranks private purchased caps.
It would be nice to know either way though.
Any thoughts please ?
Attachment 306124Attachment 306126Attachment 306128Attachment 306122Attachment 306123Attachment 306125Attachment 306127Attachment 306129Attachment 306130
by: stepsam73
Description: We are reproducing any military vehicles by the order of the client, we are making outside look -exact copy .
On a photo the tank “PZ-VI, Tiger I”, the diesel engine of 240 horsepowers, the tower with electric power rotation, the gun shoots with pyrotec charges, even the gun moves during the shot .
Engine “ЯМЗ-238″ (240 horsepowers) is installed.
There is a possibility to install more powerful engine “В-2″ (415 horsepowers).
Transmission from “БАТ”.
It is not expensive in service, the engine and a transmission are reliable, with safety factor.
There is an instruction on tank usage.
Spare parts are accessible and always is had in stock.
The price 380.000 euros.
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