Archive for February, 2012

Rarität Stahlhelm Deutsch Wehrmacht Polizei ?? WW2

EUR 25,50 (3 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Feb-15-2012 20:05:41 CET
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Schnellboots abz.

Hi, can anyone tell me, out from the pics. if this could be good or bad?
Regards Yab.

Attached Images


2nd Guards make front page of the UK’s Russian language newspaper

Hi Guys, our group is always keen to ensure the contribution to the Allied Victory by the Soviet Union is not forgotten.

Over the past two years we have been making very strong ties with many official organisations in the UK: such as the various UK Embassies of the former Soviet Union, Victory Day London, Soviet War Memorial Trust and the UK’s leading Russian language newspaper:

Angliya - Russian Weekly Newspaper

We now take part in the wreath laying ceremonies at the Soviet War memorial next to the Imperial War Museum. We attend Victory Day, Remembrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day.

Last week "Angliya" featured us on the front page of the newspaper at last month’s Holocaust Memorial Day. Yours truly on the right in the pic.

We also had an article written about our group in the paper last year. I have my back to the camera with slung PPSh 41.

Cheers, Ade.

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Townsend Griffiss, forgotten hero of WW2.

I saw this article earlier and thought it would be of interest……

The untold story of the first U.S. airman killed in Europe.

eiserne kreutz original or fake?

eiserne kreutz original or fake?
Thanks your help

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Rarität Stahlhelm England Belgien WW2

EUR 24,50 (5 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Feb-15-2012 19:55:42 CET
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SELTEN: Original Gabel für die Wehrmacht von 1941

EUR 5,50 (6 Gebote)
Enddatum: Dienstag Feb-14-2012 20:46:09 CET
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SELTEN: Original Gabel für die Wehrmacht von 1941

EUR 5,50 (6 Gebote)
Enddatum: Dienstag Feb-14-2012 20:46:09 CET
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Dienstalterliste der SS. Link to site

Need help! British coat of arms. Helmet plate?

Attachment 306479Attachment 306485Attachment 306477Hi all. I’m new here, 1st post so be gentle with me.
I have a small 2nd hand shop so i come across all manner of things.
Recently i bought this coat of arms at a local auction, the listing said it was thought to be a helmet plate but was very vague.
If anyone here can help as to identification and rough value that would be very much appreciated.

It measures 6 inches across at its widest point and about 5 and 3 quarter inches high. It looks to be pressed from thin brass or something similiar.

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