Archive for February, 2012

Help with S98/05 marking

Hello There ,I have a sawback S98/05 by CITO it is undated but has two circles stamped on the spine not sure what it stands for any info would be welcome,Thanks Paul.

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alte Kiste Munitionskiste Werkzeugkiste Packtasche Motorrad Wehrmacht Weltkrieg?

EUR 500,00 (11 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Feb-16-2012 19:37:01 CET
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Fake SS Buckle?

Found this item on a 2ndhand site
Any comments


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The January 1919 Uprising in Berlin

While going through a box of photographs and postcards, I found these ten postcard photos of the 5-15 January uprising in Berlin. These photos were all taken from 11 to 15 January when the Freikorps units crushed the uprising.

The uprising started when the Social Democrats (SPD) led by Fredrich Ebert, fired the Berlin Chief of Police, Emil Eichhorn, for providing arms to leftist radicals. The leftists occupied the police headquarters on Alexanderplatz. This photo shows Freikorps members sealing off the area.
The Freikorps troops under Ludwig Maercker stormed the police headquarters after shelling it with artillery and mortors, shown here. This photo was obviously taken after the battle.
These are probably troops from Freikorps Potsdam under Maj. Franz von Stephani. I haven’t read anything about flame throwers being used against the rebels, but there they are.
The Teachers’ Association Building at Alexanderstr. 27A was just up the street from the police headquarters. The uprising attracted about 500,000 active participants, most of them unarmed civilians. But there were pleanty of armed men among them both Army and Navy veterans who occupied buildings throughout the city’s center.
This photo and the one below were taken at the Marinehaus, which was the headquarters of the German Navy, located on the corner of Märlisches Ufer and am Köllnischen Park. 300 rebels defended the building. As the photo shows, not all the rebels were ex-military.

This is obviously not one of the postcards. The communists added this marker in the 1960’s and I took the picture in 1991. It commerates the rebels who were killed in the fighting.
The correct name of this building is Die Königliche Elisabethschule. It was located on Kochstrasse very near what later became Check Point Charlie after the Berlin wall went up . The photos shows the building being hit by an artillery round.

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Question Does anyone know were this foldout Kriegsmarine leaflet came from ?

Does anyone know were this foldout Kriegsmarine leaflet came from, or has anyone seen it before ?

WWII XX Kragenspiegel Untersturmfuehrer offizier

EUR 23,00
Enddatum: Freitag Mär-16-2012 11:47:06 CET
Sofort-Kaufen für nur: EUR 23,00
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MkII POLICE, Special Constable

Here’s a Police special constable, pretty sure the 2 white bands stands for a sergeant. Inside the crown of the helmet he has added a piece of felt probably to keep his head warmer. Both helmet & liiner are dated 1939 & made by BMB.

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Alter Stahlhelm aus Frankreich 1.2.WK

EUR 21,50 (12 Gebote)
Enddatum: Freitag Feb-17-2012 20:19:26 CET
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Fallschirmjäger EKM hoard

I like to share with you the story of 11 EKM, of the same Fallschirmjäger-Coy, found together in 1976.

First the pictures (the first 10; Nr 11 lower in the thread):
Attachment 307004Attachment 307006Attachment 307007Hi all,

Now the technical details:

1. General

In 1976 in the village of Biesfeld in the “Bergische Land“, region of Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany), a hoard consisting of 11 German Erkennungsmarken (Identity Discs) was found buried near by a barn. They all had the same MOB-Nr. (mobilisation number), 217416, identifying them as being from the 13. Kompanie, Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 5, then of the 3. Fallschirmjäger-Division. The Stammrollennummern (roll or roster numbers) on these discs were: 159, 169, 237, 310, 311, 312, 314, 319, 322, 325 and 329.

2.Physical Details

a.Material and Condition

i. Discs with the Stammrollennummern 159, 237, 311 and 329 are made of zinc.
ii. Discs with the Stammrollennummern 169, 310, 312, 314, 319, 322 and 325 are
made of aluminium.
iii.All discs have surface corrosion consistent with having been buried for a long
iv.The corrosion present on the discs is appropriate for their materials based on
comparison with other known examples of long-buried discs of the same
v. Disc Stammrollennummer 237 is particularly corroded.

b.Stampings and Markings

i. Discs with the Stammrollennummern 169, 237, 310, 311, 312, 314, 319, 322,
325 and 329 were all marked with the same stamp set.
ii. Disc Stammrollennummer 159 was marked with a different stamp set than the
iii. Each of the aluminum discs has a name on it, written in pencil, in varying states
of preservation; one, Stammrollennummer 310, has a rank (OGfr) as well.

c. Blood Groups

i. None of the discs has a blood group letter stamp on it.

3. Historical Background

a.Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 5

The orignal FJR 5 was created in May, 1942 and after operations in Africa, and a redesignation to Jäger-Regiment Hermann Göring in early 1943, it was destroyed by May, 1943 in Tunisia. II./FJR 5 was reformed in October, 1943 and saw action in Russia, fighting in Zhitomir and ultimately again being destroyed in Kirovograd in January, 1944- it’s surviving troops went to form the new FJR 16. In later January and February, 1944, an entirely new FJR 5 was created in Reims and the Bretagne east of Brest, France from the remnants of III./ FJR 1. This new regiment was also ultimately destroyed in Normandy and the Falaise Pocket.

b. Final Re-formation

This last FJR 5 was re-formed in Oldenzaal, Holland, in October, 1944. It continued to fight during the withdrawl east in the Ardennes, Eifel and finally in Remagen in the Ruhr Pocket where its survivors largely went into American captivity in April, 1945.

4. Authenticity Evaluation

a. The corrosion patterns on these discs are consistent with extended burial
corrosion patterns for their materials. The significant corrosion of disc
Stammrollennummer 237 in particuar strongly suggests it was in fact buried for
an extended period of time. It also argues for differing pre-burial conditions as
would be consistent with the discs having been carried by different individuals-
i.e., worn inside a shirt, outside a shirt, carried in a pouch or not, etc.; the discs
weren’t simply made together, and deposited together- they had some kind of
different treatment prior to deposition.
b. The corrosion patterns being immediately around some sections of the pencil
markings and through others suggests they were applied prior to burial, not
after retrieval. Other examples of discs with pencil-written names exist- some
in the period, but no longer used, Sütterlin script suggesting they are original.

Now comes the best part:

Attachment 307005

c. The 1951–1975 Suchlisten des Bundes des Deutschen Fallschirmjäger and the
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz - Vermisstenbildliste III - band LA provided the name,
data and picture of a missing soldier, Jäger Günter Schulte, whose reported
Erkennunsmarke matches one of those found: 217416/311.

1957 - Suchliste 6 :

Attachment 307008

Attachment 307009

d. The small range of Stammrollennummern on nearly half of the discs and all but
one being greater than the authorized strength of a 13.Fallschirmjäger
Kompanie in 1944 is consistent with there having been a large number of new
replacement troops in FJR 5 in the period immediately preceeding the alleged
burial of these discs,
e. The different number type on disc Stammrollennummer 159 could reflect one
remaining member of the previous incarnation of FJR 5 as the authorized
strength of a 13.Fallschirmjäger Kompanie at the time was around 160 men. A
different number type for the higher numbered discs could be consistent with
the unit’s near complete destruction in the Falaise Pocket and having been then
re-formed in a different location.
f. There are no features of any of the discs that appears artifical or is consistent
with any known method of forgery.

5. Conclusions

The story of the burial and recovery of these discs is consistent with the physical
details and historical background of the unit in question, leading to the
conclusion that the discs are likely authentic and the story true.

Thanks to Matt L.

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Need help! Norwegian reissue German helmet

Ladies and gents,

Please forgive my forwardness in posting this request in the helmets forum. I have already placed an add in the other militaria wanted section.

I am looking for a post war issued German helmet, complete with dyed liner and Norwegian decal….I know some members are able to obtain these for the intention of stripping them back to German origin….I haven’t had much luck searching for one….so if anyone knows a source for these lids or would offer to sell one, please contact me….any model would suit, I would just like one of these in it’s post war configuration for my collectionan.

An M42 would be the dream
Thanking you,

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