Archive for January, 2012

Packriemen - Rödelriemen

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Jan-16-2012 20:17:40 CET
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Why was this thread deleted

Question Anyone into Late War German Photos

2nd attempt, thanks to admin who deleted first attempt (really) , as there were people who are not interested in the subject posting on the thread

Belgian SS collar tab?

Advertised as a Belgian SS collar tab. No brown buckram backing - should it be there, as all examples I have seen have it?

Attachment 292655Attachment 292656

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Militarische Hose 1938

EUR 15,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Jan-25-2012 21:23:33 CET
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Question Anyone into Late War German Photos?

Anyone into Late War German Photos?
(Some of what I have) Original scans, Amazing qulaity

Unit/troop newspapers

These newspapers are totally out of my comfort zone being a third reich man. But these papers came along a while ago and I thought they were slightly different to the usual stuff that we see. Hopefully one of you guys will know if they are something special/rare etc. What sort of value do they have, I really don’t have a clue, all and any help will be much appreciated.
If you have any info the please email me at and if you’d like to see some of my collection then have a look at German WW2 Militaria - Home
All the best from Jersey,

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Type V11c UBOAT,

Im putting this model up for adrian to see as he is making a type V11 C uboat,
this model is really old now but still looks the part.

Click to enlarge the picture




wood carving 2nd gun

Hi Gents,
wood carving has become a new hobby for me. i wanted to share my latest project. i need to clean the barrel and put it back on yet.
the rifle is a .50 cal. Hawken black powder rifle, a good shooter. so on the stock i put a Hawk’s head with an eye i got from a taxidermist. the eye follows you, its almost creepy. i am just learning to carve wood so i am trying different things to see how it turns out. some things turn out better in my head than in wood lol. i beat some brass into submition to fit the forearm curve, not the best fit. it is flush and smooth, but my cuts are a little wide in spots. i might back fill with stained sawdust i have.
on the back side of the rifle i carved crossed feathers and just a decorative design. i can add to the carvings any time .

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for sale German Mauser K98 rifle with original bayonet and scabbard.


by: MrFaulkner


War Relics Militaria sales

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