Archive for January, 2012

2wk 2 bewegliche haken für Y riemen wehrmacht original 2ww

EUR 10,50 (2 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Jan-16-2012 20:25:34 CET
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Motorcycle Biker NeoDanna Neoprene & Bandanna Face Mask - Blue Paisley - Skiing

$9.89 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Jan-17-2012 18:28:05 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $10.99
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wehrmacht technik schield

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Jan-16-2012 20:19:26 CET
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Original Feldknoepfe fuer Feldbluse 1941, klein 100 St.

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Montag Jan-23-2012 9:02:24 CET
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springer switchlade

got this from france a springer leverlock switchblade made in solingen with shell puller.
my buddy got a few more he got that were wrapped in a luftwaffe flag in an attic in an old house.

if anyone has any old autos i am always interested

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3 Original WW2 German Army Helmet Liner Pins

$9.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Tuesday Jan-17-2012 17:23:15 PST
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My named uniform grouping. US engineer, 1918.

I’d like to share my grouping. Any opinions or additional information would be great. WW1 is not my main hobby, but I can never let groupings go when the price is right.

This grouping is named to Barney L. Hobbs, of Co. B. 5th Engineers, 7th I.D.
He was a combat engineer from Ft. Collins, CO. He survived the war, but I lost track of him after that. Among the items are:

-knit sweater vest
-shrapnel from a german shell
-luggage tag, leather
-garrison cap
-full wool uniform. Trousers, Tunic, and overcoat. All with patches.

Attachment 292767Attachment 292765Attachment 292761Attachment 292768Attachment 292762Attachment 292766Attachment 292764Attachment 292769Attachment 292763

Click to enlarge the picture










Question kreigsmarine work uniform

hello, i looked on WAF for information on this uniform for help on authenticity but couldnt find anything i ask for yalls help on this items authenticity.

Lethal Threat Motorcycle Biker NeoDanna Neoprene Face Mask - Jester - Ski Mobile

$14.89 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Jan-17-2012 12:55:44 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $16.39
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Some woolen KM badges.

Hi, here is some wollen badges for KM uniforms, and a few things for the headgear too.
Regards Yab.

Click to enlarge the picture




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