Archive for January, 2012

for sale Ersatz material g43 pouch, unmarked


by: 16225

Description: Original ersatz material g43 pouch, unmarked

Not very usual type, most possibly produced in 1945

War Relics Militaria sales

Der Stahlhelm Ziele und Pflichten Aufklärugs und Werbeschrift

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Jan-19-2012 18:13:43 CET
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Bodenfund 1 orginaler Stahlhelminnenfutterring 2.WK Wehrmacht

EUR 2,12 (2 Gebote)
Enddatum: Mittwoch Jan-18-2012 21:22:06 CET
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Need help! Imperial German Army shoulderboards ?

Did some horse trading with a friend on the weekend and my wife is going to kill me when she finds out :eek:This is one of the items that I received for my Horse If I am not mistaken the Double rank pips signify a field grade rank of a Hauptmann (Schulterstuck) and he served in the 22 Regiment .Now this is were things start to get a little fuzzy for me. Some of the material I have been reading explains that after 1915 the color of the edging on the shoulderboards was set by the arm of service color, called the Waffenfarbe . The Waffenfarbe for Ulanen and Feldartillerie units were red .So pre 1915 is the Waffenfarbe the same as there is no evidence of color on the edging of these shoulderboards are they pre 1915 issued.
One last quick question are the buttons and washers correct I very much doubt the cotter pins are period though:rolleyes:

Regards Mark K

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Question Abzeichen Für Blockadebrecher - SCHWERIN BERLIN

Hi again,

It was some time I posted a thread on the forum. I have been looking at this Schwerin blockade runner badge, but the hinge and pin setup looks different from other blockade runner badges that I have compared with. For example, this pin is overall much thicker.

What is your opinion?


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Erkennungsmarken - Fake?

I’ve looked through the fakes gallery and the fonts gallery, but am none the wiser.
I received this with a lot that I recently bought and would please like to know what you guys think. To me it looks too new. Thanks in advance.

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Motorcycle Biker NeoDanna Neoprene & Bandanna Face Mask - Three Skulls - Skiing

$9.89 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Jan-19-2012 17:57:41 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $10.99
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Motorcycle Biker NeoDanna Neoprene & Bandanna Face Mask - Red Paisley - Ski Mask

$9.89 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Jan-19-2012 17:27:06 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $10.99
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Question Any Ontario shows/fairs coming up ?

Are any Ontario shows/fairs coming up ?

On a site note - for members from GTA - what are you favourite shops/flea markets in the area ?

NeoDanna Neoprene & Bandanna Face Mask- Woodland Camo - Hunter Hunting Military

$9.89 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday Jan-19-2012 15:56:41 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $10.99
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