Archive for January, 2012

Luftwaffe flying helmet… it very cheap…

Here is my only Luft pilot thing….I have a SD M40 luft, but this is the only other item of Luftwaffe heritage I have…

Nice condition, bit of wear around the ear peices, 1 button missing from the ealsitc neck strap along the back, has full electrics and throat mikes…. got it fairly cheap off ebay for 160 BUCKS….I amn very happy with it…full sheep skin lining…I often wonder given the amount of wool exported to Germany just before the war, wether an Aussie Merino gave up his wool for this!!!!

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WW1 German M1916 helmet

$300.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Jan-24-2012 11:42:13 PST
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for sale WWII Nazi Era Firemans Visor


by: grapppa

Description: WWII era visor cap Fireman brigade. It is in very nice condition overall. It is somewhat misshapen on the inside and I think it may be due to repair done on the inside but I’m not sure.

War Relics Militaria sales

My collection mainly US but growing…

I will start with what got me into the hobby, some items from my great grandfather Frank John Gluth he enlisted prewar in the cavalry and then was transferred into the AAF and retired in 61 and continued to work for the air force as a private contractor until he was unable and wore his uniform till he died unfortunately before I was born in the 80s. Most of these aaf items are his but a few are not. If anyone can find info on him other than "nara" I would be grateful I know his reenlistment number from 45 but not from 40. I dont know his bomber group but I know he flew in 24s and then 17s.

Anyways my two favorite items are his Waltham pocket watch that I need to get fixed and his B-15 jacket, sorry the photos are bad -Ben

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Pre RZM party badge and button hole APrty badge

Here are two of my 3 party badges, also my favourites….

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Warning collectors !!! Fraud on web site

WARNING COLLECTORS !!! FRAUD ON WEB SITE Collectibles. Rarusnet Collectors Megastore

Dear friends collectors!

Please report this crime to every friend collector and collector forums!
Thank You in advance for help!
Best Regards

Need help! Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze

Hello all ,

Could one of the many experts tell me what that think of this badge ? Thank you

Kind regards

Kragenspiegel Effekte Militär Behörden Luftwaffe Silber bestickte Palme Effects

EUR 2,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Donnerstag Feb-02-2012 22:14:17 CET
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for sale Ss kanister

WWII World War Two German Helmet Liner Drawstring

$4.50 (0 Bids)
End Date: Wednesday Jan-25-2012 22:00:11 PST
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