WH Innenhelm für Stahlhelm M35 -M40 Glocke 62 Gr.54-56

Enddatum: Samstag Jan-28-2012 23:25:17 CET
Sofort-Kaufen für nur: EUR 19,99
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Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
Good call dastier. Here are the pertinent posts in order along with both pictures.
need more opinions to confirm my own about this 2 eagles please :confused:.
thoughts will be welcome cool militaria
thank you very much
Again, buyer beware! But this is one of the worst fakes I have seen.
Swastica should be black.
Eagle needs a black eye.
The district name is a totally different color!
Worth a laugh!