Archive for July, 2011

WW2 Soviet headgear.

Original soviet WW2 visors. Cash or trade for German WW2 headgear.

Deutscher Soldat in Erdstellung / Stahlhelm – Polen

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jul-24-2011 20:49:16 CEST
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Schulterklappen mit Krone

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jul-31-2011 13:46:05 CEST
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Kragenspiegel für Obersturmführer

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jul-31-2011 12:14:26 CEST
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Gebirgsjäger boots, unit-stamped and full of glory!

After the recent, Shakespearen,“Too much ado for nothing” here’s a genuine pair of pre/war production Schuhe for Gebirgstruppen,aka the Bergschuhe.
This particular pair is one of the gems in my collection of WW2 German footwear.A few months ago I posted the Bergmutze which was worn by the same soldier (…ory-20328/)and now I’m posting his very mountain boots and puttees (Gamaschen).I own his gaiters as well but since they’re privately made in a cloth nearly identical to the one his Bergmutze is made of and quite narrow I suppose they were worn for “Ausgehen”!
Apart from being size-stamped in a way that closely recalls of the way civilian shoes are stamped today in many Countries of Contintal Europe,i.e. 43/5 instead of the more common,say, 29/5 or 27/4 where 29 and 27 are the inner length of the shoe and 5 and 4 are the internal width at the narrowest point,these boots are unit-stamped to….Gebirgsjaeger Regiment 137!!!
Oddly enough the bergmutze is unit-stamped GJR 136!Unfortunately the soldier’s paper had been thrown away (yes!!) and thus I cannot reconstruct his career….it’s certain that he fought in Norway encadred in one of these two famous units though, if only these boots could talk we’d all listen to them for hours…or days!
These bergschuhe are beautifully made and 1938-dated.They’ve seen action The leather strings are original,the heels have the grooves for the ski bindings and the upper part of the shaft has a band of M36 dickerstoff to prevent chafing against the lower part of the trousers’ legs.

WW2 RE Swagger stick

Got this off a car boot, any ideas if it is period, it’s 27" long and the ‘cane’ (not sure what it’s made from) is unpolished but quite light-ish.
The Royal Engineers badge is made of brass as is the shell case which has 1942 RG Oez on it …German?
The lady I bought it off said her father was a Sergeant in the Royal Engineers and he was in North Africa, does this sound feasable?

Helm Stahlhelm Luftwaffe Wehrmacht Fallschirmjäger wkII

EUR 151,00 (15 Gebote)
Enddatum: Sonntag Jul-24-2011 19:12:21 CEST
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Need help to identify this helmet.

Being a total newbie, this "German" shaped helmet appears to be an M40. The air vent is pressed and the helmet edges are rolled over. It has 2 extra rivets. Five rivets in total and the three rivets where a German helmet would have them are fitted with washers. (to cover the larger hole). The paint is a dark green, with what appears to be a lighter green underneath. There are no decals or markings that I can see. It is certainly not a light weight helmet. The lining has 10 lobes and is made of a very pale coloured leather. Is the helmet re-furbished or fake ?

Any help appreciated.

German wwii chin strap replacement buckle and 2 studs

$5.95 (0 Bids)
End Date: Monday Jul-25-2011 10:27:49 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $9.95
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German Prussian Spiked Pickelhaube Helmet, WW1 Leather

$44.51 (0 Bids)
End Date: Monday Jul-25-2011 23:45:58 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $49.94
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