Archive for May, 2011

Need help! Odd arm Band, i believe fantasy piece…

Here are a few picks of an unusual arm band! Sorry for the quality of the pics, best i can do! Opinions?

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M41 tropical field cap for authentication please

Unfortunately, the grommets are lined with some corrosion that makes it hard to photograph well. It looks like I could clean them rather safely but I wanted to post some pictures in its as-found condition.
Thanks in advance for your comments!

Click to enlarge the picture








WW1 Elmo Prussiano Pickelhaube Fanteria Elmetti Tedesco

$49.81 (0 Bids)
End Date: Thursday May-19-2011 2:28:26 PDT
Buy It Now for only: US $56.93
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Latest posts do not load

I am having some difficulties.
The latest posts at the top of the page do not load.
I keep getting asked for my password when I am already logged in.
When I type password it comes back as wrong password
I can’t access some threads.
Anybody have a clue?

rare unmarked EKII

Hello guys
it ’s my desire to share with you all my last cross, I was in search for a time and finally I get it. Please take a look to dates, they are really charateristics. The frame too. I find it very nice and with a nice patina. Manufacturer is Robert Hauschild - Pforzheim (or this is convinced thought).

Click to enlarge the picture



Bakelitschachtel 1941 WaffenXX Wehrmacht Luftwaffe

EUR 11,49 (6 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Donnerstag Mai-19-2011 14:59:01 CEST
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M1916/M1917 German Helmet

Attachment 204650Attachment 204651Attachment 204652
Hi there just joined the site and need a little help. I have got what I think is an M1916/17 helmet. Unfortunately it has been painted black as you can hopefully see from the attached pictures. I would like to restore it, but not having done this before I am not entirely sure how. Firstly I need to take the black, I think enamel, paint off. What is the best thing to do that with? It has a crack that I want to fill again how best should I do that. I then need to paint it and I need some help here too.

All suggestions greatly appreciated.



Click to enlarge the picture






Wehrmacht Drillichjacke Feldbluse 100%Original!

EUR 1,00 (1 Gebot)
Angebotsende: Sonntag Mai-22-2011 20:07:30 CEST
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grüne Hose Militär oder Zivil ? Feldhose Uniformhose 2

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Freitag Mai-27-2011 18:32:39 CEST
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German Feldpost postcard

I would like to show my German Feldpost postcard illustrated with an Infanterie Sturmabzeichen. Quoted on the card is a section of a speech given by Adolf Hitler at the Reichstag. It translates, roughly, as;

In this fight the German foot soldiers have proven themselves to be what they have always been: The Best Infantry in the World.

Beside the postcard is my WH (Walter & Heinein) Infanterie Sturmabzeichen.

Click to enlarge the picture


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