Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
This EK2 has some sentimental value because not only was it my first EK but my first military item I purchased (besides what I paid for when I was on active duty):b::shok_yikes::D So if you guys would be so kind as to see if you have any EK2s of your own that look like a good match it would be much appreciatedcool militaria
Like the subject line says, did General Bronisław Rakowski who commanded the
2nd Warsaw Armoured division ever write a memoir or biography?
The other website, known for its sophomoric temper tantrums and witch hunts, has lately produced the black woolen uniforms and head gear attached here. The images speak for themselves, I think.
The Nazis made much of the before and after shot in the visual propaganda, or of photo contrasts of various kinds. For this reason (though I am surely not a Nazi) I employ a similar visual technique to underscore why we at the war relics site try harder than number 1….