Archive for February, 2011

Zünderbuchse aus Bakalit 1941

EUR 5,00 (0 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Sonntag Feb-27-2011 14:17:29 CET
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Need help! Nsdap membership badge—thoughts & opinions

Your thoughts on these two…..

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Brotbeutelberiemung 2.WK deutsch

EUR 5,95 (2 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Sonntag Feb-27-2011 14:09:07 CET
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3. Reich-Ausrüstung: Ein paar Sporen für Reitstiefel

EUR 2,00 (2 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Sonntag Feb-27-2011 14:08:43 CET
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Need help ………German Lifesaving Medal Silver

Gentlemen, please !

I got this medal from a german dealer, and it looks good to me. I posted the photos on WAF, and only one feedback (original). I also posted it on GCA-forum, and only one feedback here also (fake). The seller is ready to take the medal back, but its a rare award and….Please help me, anyone ?

Original or fake ?


Attachment 182563Attachment 182564Attachment 182565Attachment 182566Attachment 182567

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Question What buttons used on a WW2 1945 RAF bush shirt?

I have had in my collection for many years the below shirt. The shirt has Chinese laundry marks inside it and unfortunatly it appears it came back from the cleaners without buttons! Can anybody tell me (preferably with a picture) what buttons it would have had so I can hunt some down.

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Schulterklappen frühe Ausführung Original

EUR 1,00 (0 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Samstag Mär-05-2011 21:26:01 CET
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(Holster) für Steyr M-1912

EUR 25,50 (5 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Sonntag Feb-27-2011 10:13:31 CET
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Fallschirmjägerhelm Helm Stahlhelm M38 ET71 624

EUR 31,50 (7 Gebote)
Angebotsende: Sonntag Feb-27-2011 17:57:58 CET
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German SD-1 Cluster Bomb Souviner

Attachment 182523An interesting Souviner from Bremenhaven, Germany… A German SD-1 Cluster Bomb…BILLAttachment 182521Attachment 182522

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