Child toy helmet with DD detal.
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
Please let me know what you all think.
Thank you very much.
I am just learning to handle the Photoshop tool, here are some pics from my last Normandie trip photoshopped … hope you like them
I’m sure a lot of our British friends are familiar Mitchell and Webb… These guys are a riot. Here the pair offers a nuanced lampooning of our obsessions…
My recent medal purchases, EK2, Deutsches Schutzwall- Ehrenzeichen and Winterschlacht Im Osten have ribbons that have been folded in storage and/or transportation to me and I want to display them in a framed case so i’d like the creased ribbons to be nice and flat for display.
Are the ribbons made of cotton? Can they be ironed? Is this sacriledge or something that most people do for display?