Archive for November, 2010

Child toy helmet with DD detal.

Attachment 153810Attachment 153811Attachment 153812Attachment 153813What do you guys think of this helmet.I am sure it is 100% real.I never was interested in this type of helmet,but I am thinking in buying one now ,I just think one day they could very collectable.what do they go for.Any info on this type of helmets would be great.

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Ww1 ribbon bar, and 2 wound badges for viewing.

I received these today, and thought i would share them with everyone for viewing.

Please let me know what you all think.


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Question Russian uniform,Caucasus January 1917

Hi everybody,
This is a picture of my Great-Grandfather Anton Mouratov.There is a script in the back of the photo.I don’t speak russian so i had it translated.I was told that more or less it was a souvenir from Caucasus in January,15,1917.So,i guess he served the Russo-Turkish War 1914-1918.
The photo is quite well-worn and i can not identify if there are any stripes on the shoulder boards.But i can tell i can see the number 04 i guess its refering to his regiment.
So, i would be most greatful if anyone can give me any information about his uniform,his rank,if he was in the imperial or white army.Those medals mean he was an officer?Also i hope for a better translation of the script.
And my utmost dream.Is there any way i can see his name written down in some archives.For example,for those who served in Caucasus.Is there any department that keeps such files?

Thank you very much.

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My new Tschako….

Gents, here is my newly aquired Model 1895 Prussian Tschako (Shako) mit Kokarden und Feldzeichen, displayed on a Train (Supply) Waffenrock. Before the introduction of the Pickelhaube in 1842, the most common form of headgear in the Imperial German army was the Tschako, with the adoption of the spike helmet by most arms, it was worn by Jager, Shutzen (Light Infantry), Telegraph, Train (Supply) and other small units.
The 1895 model Tschako was shorter and more refined than its predecessor the Model 1888, the wappen (front badge, being the same design as on the Pickelhaube, but smaller) was now fitted with loops on the rear, to be held on the helmet by leather wedges…it had previously been a threaded bolt and nut. In 1897 the new Reichs Kokarden (cockade) was worn on the right side, a state kokarden could be worn on the left side, but usually the Tschako had a Feldzeichen (field badge) affixed to the front in a leather pocket which was a feature of its construction, this was a cloth covered wood badge in state colours.
The wearing of the Tschako ended with the issue of the new model 1916 steel helmet, although it continued to be worn in rear areas until the end of hostilities.
The Tschako continued to worn in various guises as a form of Police headware throughout the Weimar, Third Reich and in post-war Germany, eventually being phased out in the early sixties.
Prost ! Steve.Attachment 153781

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Question Real or Fake Luft

will try again to add pic’s

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Fj Trop Tunic from Herbert Giese FJR1

For Your enjoyment - photoshopped ... I love this tool
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Normandie 1944 - Then and now


I am just learning to handle the Photoshop tool, here are some pics from my last Normandie trip photoshopped … hope you like them

“Our caps have actually got little pictures of skulls on them…”

YouTube - german skull soldiers 1×01

I’m sure a lot of our British friends are familiar Mitchell and Webb… These guys are a riot. Here the pair offers a nuanced lampooning of our obsessions…

Medal Ribbons - what are they made of?

This may seem like a pretty obvious question but I’d like to be sure before I cause any damage.

My recent medal purchases, EK2, Deutsches Schutzwall- Ehrenzeichen and Winterschlacht Im Osten have ribbons that have been folded in storage and/or transportation to me and I want to display them in a framed case so i’d like the creased ribbons to be nice and flat for display.

Are the ribbons made of cotton? Can they be ironed? Is this sacriledge or something that most people do for display?



EKII 1939… mm?

Hi guys,
after many internet connection problems I’m here again, with my last purchase, or better I hope so.
It’s a unmarked cross from the pictures , but not common to find, somebody konwn the mm? :D
Thanks a lot for any comment.
Attachment 153728Attachment 153727
Attachment 153725Attachment 153726

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