ID Needed on Possible German Fuze??
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
I was looking for a W & L to kick start the collection however this is a Steinhauer & Luck, i’m not complaining…it looks much better in the hand than it does in my photograph.
Please excuse the standard of photography, I took these shots with my trusty point and shoot in fading light when the wife was expected back any minute!
She is away for a few days later this week so i’ll break out her tripod, lights and DSLR and try to get some quality shots then (as long as I can figure out how to work the damn thing :D).
In the meantime here is the EK and also a dummy run of my framed display of the EK surrounded by various ground dug Stalingrad relics for which I have to thank Jørn (norsk41elv) for his advice in mounting techniques. The display will be different in it’s final form as i have a relic Nahkampfspange arriving today and another Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen, Panzerkampfabzeichen and Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz arriving in the coming days.
I’m going to have to start on a second frame to accomodate all the relics i’ve been buying lately. cool militaria
one more thing did these guns come with a wooden carrying handle? the one i have seen has one, but others i have seen pics of dont have one, was this a standard issue thing? or added by personal preference?